

FIPREC – Workshop in Marzabotto, March 8th 2013

One of FIPREC goals is to encourage and support municipalities to produce by-laws and local regulations promoting energy savings, and study ways that help avoiding to put too heavy a burden on the municipal budget.

On March 8, 2013 a meeting was organized in Marzabotto, BO, aimed at informing the municipal governments about our project and its opportunities. A Region Emilia Romagna representative, Mr. Attilio Raimondi, introduced the actions the Region develops to support local authorities; some tech solutions were then presented. Among them, a public lightening system, the wide opportunities that demotic offers in view of energy savings, and building renovations.


For the latter point, an interesting suggestion was presented in view of developing bylaws and municipal regulations encouraging the citizens to consider energy savings building renovations. An architecture study – Officio Architettura, Castel S. Pietro, BO – first illustrated a detailed example of a building renovation implementing substantial energy savings transformations, and then, in view of considering energy savings without financial burden for the municipal budget, they presented the idea of cubic contents credit.

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Interview with Jakob Weber – PraTLA student at Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden

Interview: Lena Eckerberg

Hej Jakob! How did you find out about the PraTLA-Project?

To be honest, I´ve found out about PraTLA by incident. While I was looking for potential companies for an internship, I asked the Erasmus coordinator at my home University in Dresden (Saxony/ Germany) for a list of companies working in the field of environmental economics. Thus, I´ve got in touch with the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden. After sending my application, the staff manager mentioned the PraTLA program. 

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A guidebook for Energy helpdesks

Next December 18th the third local workshop expected within the LEEAN project in Emilia-Romagna will take place.
During the workshop ERVET, the Regional development agency of Emilia-Romagna that is the Italian partner of the project will introduce the tools developed within the LEEAN subproject aimed at assuring effectiveness and sustainability of local energy advisory services.In specific, the tools are composed by the guidebook “Energy and citizens: guide to technical information” that will be downloadable from the Emilia-Romagna Region energy platform and regularly updated, and by different web interactive tools available for helpdesks operators and all citizens.
The presentation of the tools will introduce some training-oriented technical presentations and a following discussion about effectiveness of energy helpdesks and informational need of citizens.
Stefano Valentini (ASTER) and Attilio Raimondi (Emilia-Romagna Region) will close the workshop by presenting the Activities of EnercitEE for the next year as well as the opportunities of the Regional Energy Plan.




3rd Interregional Symposium successfully took place

From 23th to 24th October 2012 EnercitEE Working Group and Steering Group members as well as the Lead Sub-Project Participants from all 11 sub-projects met in Leipzig, Germany.

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Open days in Brussels 8-10 October 2012 – EnercitEE was there!

EnercitEE participated at the Open Days in Brussels, an event dedicated to exchange and networking of European regions. Climate Change and sustainable use of resources are central topic at European level and were well presented at the event. On the one hand many interesting seminars and workshops dealing with this topic could be attended. On the other hand people were also very interested in our activities and eager to get some EnercitEE dissemination material as the Good Practice Guide or project flyers.

It was fantastic to feel the international “European” atmosphere and to meet so many people that are convinced and enthusiastic about the European idea. It was also great to see all the actors, from local, regional, national and European levels that strive ambitiously for reaching the e.g. climate protection targets and for a constant advancement of their ideas. To make it short: a great opportunity to feel the European spirit!



GRACE was presented at the IEPEC conference

GRACE was presented through a poster presentation in the framework of the IEPEC conference (International Energy Program Evaluation Conference) held in Rome from 12 to 14 June 2012.

More than 140 participants from 24 countries participated in that conference.

AESS, along with partners contributions, developed the poster about the first GRACE’s results. The poster was illustrated by Mr Antinucci on 12 June and reports – along with a brief energy profile of each region – about cost benefits of 3 incentives/grants programmes in the 3 regions involved: Passive House in Saxony (DE), Solar thermal collectors in Lower Silesia (PL) and regional 55% tax rebate in Emilia-Romagna (IT).

PDF-version of the poster

                                                                                              Written by Marcello Antinucci



Heizen mit Äpfeln: Unabhängig von Gas und Öl sein – das hat der Apfelhof Augustin südlich von Hamburg geschafft

Quelle: LandInForm 1/2012 – Magazin für Ländliche Räume

In der Erntezeit zwischen August und Oktober erntet der Bio-Obsthof Augustin mit einer Größe von 29 Hektar jedes Jahr 600 Tonnen Bioäpfel. Diese und zusätzlich weitere 3.500 Tonnen Äpfel von Obstbetrieben aus der Umgebung werden in Kühlhäusern eingelagert.

Nach dem Pflücken werden die Äpfel  in den großen Lagern in kontrollierter Atmosphäre schnell von 15 Grad Celsius und mehr auf etwa 2 Grad Celsius gekühlt und in eine Art Kältestarre überführt. Beim Abkühlvorgang wird die Temperaturdifferenz in Form von Wärmenergie freigesetzt und über die Kühlaggregate an die Außenluft abgegeben. Die warme Abluft aus den Kühlhäusern verpuffte bis dato nutzlos.

Im Jahr 2008 entschied sich Dierk Augustin dazu eine Anlage zu installieren um die freiwerdende Energie in einem 8 m hohen Stahlzylinder zu speichern und in den Betriebskreislauf einzuspeisen. Als Speichermedium wählte man Wasser. Fortan wurde die in den Kühlzellen freigesetzte Energie gesammelt und per Wärmetauscher auf gewöhnliches Leitungswasser übertragen. Dieses Wasser wird dabei auf bis zu 60 Grad aufgeheizt und anschließend direkt in den Speicherzylinder geleitet.


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EnercitEE poster series revised: New posters inform now about EnercitEE and all 11 sub-projects

After 2 years of EnercitEE the poster series of the project underwent a comprehensive revision. After running successfully two open calls for proposals EnercitEE is now financially supporting eleven sub-projects. Through the exchange of experience and joint as well as regional activities the sub-projects will improve local and regional Energy Efficiency policies for citizens and local authorities. Now several posters show the important role of the sub-projects within EnercitEE and present their aims, contents and planned outcomes.

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PraTLA trainee at Energy Agency of Southeast Sweden provided support for a number of projects

written by Lena Eckerberg


Climate compensation and sustainable indicators

Joshua Spencer is studying International Business and Environment at McGill University. He is currently a summer intern who has been placed at the Oskarshamn office of the Energy Agency of Southeast Sweden where he has provided support for a number of projects within the agency
and those of surrounding municipalities.

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Tina Larsen, energy and climate adviser in a Swedish municipality: Two PraTLA trainees gave her new inspirations in her daily work

written by Lena Eckerberg


Inspiration and a New Start

The energy and climate adviser Tina Larsen in the municipality of Älmhult, along with students from Allbo Learning Centre, were asked to conduct an analysis on the transportation of personal care assistants. The students themselves chose to do their internship in Älmhult.

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