

Regionale Abschlussveranstaltung „Sachsen trifft Europa: Innovative Ergebnisse für mehr Energieeffizienz in Kommunen und bei den Bürgern

Das europäische Energieeffizienzprojekt EnercitEE zieht Bilanz nach mehr als dreijähriger erfolgreicher Arbeit. Bei einer regionalen Abschlussveranstaltung am 13.06.2013 in Dresden Hellerau wurden viele innovative Lösungen und Instrumente aus den 10 Teilprojekten präsentiert.

SM Kupfer

Themenschwerpunkte waren dabei energieeffiziente Gebäude, Bewusstseinsbildung und Sensibilisierung, Finanzierungsmodelle und –programme sowie konzeptionelle und planerische Maßnahmen für die Kommunalverwaltung. Viele dieser Ergebnisse sind übertragbar und stehen nun Kommunen, Bürgern und anderen interessierten Akteuren zur Weiternutzung zur Verfügung.

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Meerane´s students strive for car traffic reduction in their home town

On 22 September 2011 students from Meerane carried out an action day “On foot into the city” to motivate Meerane´s inhabitants and visitors to change their behaviour towards sustainable mobility.

An information booth on the market place addressed the current car traffic situation in the town, its general impact on the environment, related CO2 emissions and possibilities to reduce the negative effects of individual motor car traffic.

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SCC – The citizens of Haute-Savoie engaged for eco-consumption

For this “Sustainable Climate Challenge”, prioriterre has organized several workshops in order to inform and engage citizens to think about how they can behave and consume in an eco-friendly way in their daily lives.

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First sub-project publications available

Information material like flyers, newsletters and brochures produced by the EnercitEE sub-projects are made available on the EnercitEE website. Currently the following publications are available:





All sub-project publicity material can be found in the document section.



Emilia-Romagna’ Presentation of the 2nd EnercitEE call

The 17th December in the Regional Energy House the 2nd call for proposals has been presented. This event has been realized within the framework of the initiative “Energy: towards the energy programme 2011-2013” started in October 2010 which opened several energy discussion floors for collecting contributions and suggestions for the preparation of new energy programme 2011-2013.

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