Regionale Abschlussveranstaltung „Sachsen trifft Europa: Innovative Ergebnisse für mehr Energieeffizienz in Kommunen und bei den Bürgern
Das europäische Energieeffizienzprojekt EnercitEE zieht Bilanz nach mehr als dreijähriger erfolgreicher Arbeit. Bei einer regionalen Abschlussveranstaltung am 13.06.2013 in Dresden Hellerau wurden viele innovative Lösungen und Instrumente aus den 10 Teilprojekten präsentiert.
Themenschwerpunkte waren dabei energieeffiziente Gebäude, Bewusstseinsbildung und Sensibilisierung, Finanzierungsmodelle und –programme sowie konzeptionelle und planerische Maßnahmen für die Kommunalverwaltung. Viele dieser Ergebnisse sind übertragbar und stehen nun Kommunen, Bürgern und anderen interessierten Akteuren zur Weiternutzung zur Verfügung.
FIPREC – Workshop in Marzabotto, March 8th 2013
One of FIPREC goals is to encourage and support municipalities to produce by-laws and local regulations promoting energy savings, and study ways that help avoiding to put too heavy a burden on the municipal budget.
On March 8, 2013 a meeting was organized in Marzabotto, BO, aimed at informing the municipal governments about our project and its opportunities. A Region Emilia Romagna representative, Mr. Attilio Raimondi, introduced the actions the Region develops to support local authorities; some tech solutions were then presented. Among them, a public lightening system, the wide opportunities that demotic offers in view of energy savings, and building renovations.
For the latter point, an interesting suggestion was presented in view of developing bylaws and municipal regulations encouraging the citizens to consider energy savings building renovations. An architecture study – Officio Architettura, Castel S. Pietro, BO – first illustrated a detailed example of a building renovation implementing substantial energy savings transformations, and then, in view of considering energy savings without financial burden for the municipal budget, they presented the idea of cubic contents credit.
2. Workshop „Contracting – Best practice examples” was very successful
On 21 May 2012 the second contracting workshop was carried out in Dresden entitled “Energy Saving Performance Contracting (EPC) in practice” within the sub project FIPREC. A total of 32 participants from Saxon municipalities and companies got to know three implemented EPC-Projects and learned how to implement their own challenging contracting projects and how they can address those.
The participants were shown practical opportunities to reduce the long-term energy costs and how they can resolve the refurbishment backlogs (e.g. technical equipment), without the use of financial resources through various energy-saving-performance-contracting options. Speakers presented three successfully implemented contracting projects and explained in detail the achieved savings as well as the efficiency improvements of these applied measures. In Saxony, the model project “Implementation of an energy savings performance contracting at the Theatres of Chemnitz” is currently being implemented.
FIPREC’s kick-off meeting in Porretta Terme
The FIPREC sub-project started in Porretta Terme, 25th-27th October 2011 at CISA (Innovation Center Environmental Sustainability) headquarters where the LSPP welcomed the 2 partners who take part in one of the five sub-projects that were approved in the 2nd Call for Proposals within EnercitEE.
Each participant (CISA, Saxon Energy Agency – SAENA GmbH and District of Olawa) shortly presented itself and the projects already carried out. Many subjects were discussed, all of them listed on a meeting agenda agreed in advance, dealing especially with the overall objective of FIPREC which is to contribute to solving the applicative problems in public-private partnership and project financing, which have arisen in the energy sector interventions, especially where the financial return require a long time.
Results of sub-project evaluation 2nd Call
The EnercitEE partner regions have assessed the six applications received under the 2nd Call for Proposals. A decision was taken on 6 April 2011 at the Working and Steering Group Meeting in Växjö. The EnercitEE Steering Group decided: