

Final regional EnercitEE conference in Lower Silesia attracts many participants

One of EnercitEE partners, the region of Lower Silesia, organized its final conference in Wrocław on 20th November. The topic was “Energy efficient buildings. Requirements, best practices and  recommendations based on experiences from EnercitEE.”


The conference aimed to promote knowledge, exchange experience and present good practices that affect the efficient use of energy and the sustainable use of natural resources in the building sector.

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EnercitEE – Final Interregional Conference in Brussels

On 25th September 2013 EnercitEE’s final conference took place in the Saxony Liaison Office in Brussels. About 100 guests from DG Energy, the European Parliament, from many regional liaison offices and federations joined the EnercitEE partners, listened to their experiences made, to the good practices presented and discussed the results with them. 

Showing the implementation of EU energy directives into regional policies and practices as well as giving practical implementation examples – these were the main objectives of the final conference organized by the Mini-Programme Coordination Office, the coordinating team of the Saxon Lead Partner.

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Regionale Abschlussveranstaltung „Sachsen trifft Europa: Innovative Ergebnisse für mehr Energieeffizienz in Kommunen und bei den Bürgern

Das europäische Energieeffizienzprojekt EnercitEE zieht Bilanz nach mehr als dreijähriger erfolgreicher Arbeit. Bei einer regionalen Abschlussveranstaltung am 13.06.2013 in Dresden Hellerau wurden viele innovative Lösungen und Instrumente aus den 10 Teilprojekten präsentiert.

SM Kupfer

Themenschwerpunkte waren dabei energieeffiziente Gebäude, Bewusstseinsbildung und Sensibilisierung, Finanzierungsmodelle und –programme sowie konzeptionelle und planerische Maßnahmen für die Kommunalverwaltung. Viele dieser Ergebnisse sind übertragbar und stehen nun Kommunen, Bürgern und anderen interessierten Akteuren zur Weiternutzung zur Verfügung.

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EnercitEE at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels

„Practical Approaches to more energy efficiency for European Cities and Citizens“

On 24 April 2013 EnercitEE hosted a quite special dissemination event at the Committee of the Regions (CoR) Building in Brussels.


The idea of such an event was to ensure that interested European, regional and local authorities/stakeholders get to know EnercitEE, its activities and achievements and take this knowledge back to their regions. Therefore the EnercitEE partnership organised a lunch reception in connection with a meeting of one of the CoR commissions – the Commission for Environment, Climate Change and Energy (ENVE).

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Animated film illustrates EnercitEE!

[youtube 2VPRzmsVGGQ]



Open days in Brussels 8-10 October 2012 – EnercitEE was there!

EnercitEE participated at the Open Days in Brussels, an event dedicated to exchange and networking of European regions. Climate Change and sustainable use of resources are central topic at European level and were well presented at the event. On the one hand many interesting seminars and workshops dealing with this topic could be attended. On the other hand people were also very interested in our activities and eager to get some EnercitEE dissemination material as the Good Practice Guide or project flyers.

It was fantastic to feel the international “European” atmosphere and to meet so many people that are convinced and enthusiastic about the European idea. It was also great to see all the actors, from local, regional, national and European levels that strive ambitiously for reaching the e.g. climate protection targets and for a constant advancement of their ideas. To make it short: a great opportunity to feel the European spirit!



The exchange of students’ experiences between regions is the central focus of PraTLA’s final stage

PraTLA is a sub-project on practical training of students and local energy experts in local authorities. It helps to open doors: students get a first insight into local administrational structures and local authorities learn to better tap certain potential and setting up of strategies using students as energy experts for these tasks.

The Sub-Project will end at 31st October 2012. Since the beginning of 2011 until now, approximately 58 trainings in 4 different countries have been carried out or are currently completing in municipal institutions.

For Lower Silesia, this time period was the core activity part of the project since all practical trainings were carried out in a period of three months. In this region there are only very few local energy strategies available. So, the students focused on helping the local authorities to set up an initial strategy on energy efficiency measures identifying some key areas. Seven papers on local strategies have been prepared under PraTLA in the region. In Haute-Savoie, smaller groups of students have assessed local EE activities in some smaller municipalities in the region and identified first improvement potential in this area which will be in some cases anchored in concrete measures that are being set up. In Saxony, students assessed concrete areas of intervention in local authorities or public institutions and performed feasibility studies on the improvement of heating systems or energy-efficient potential in the refurbishment of public buildings.

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Mayors gathered to share spirit of Växjö

More than 30 mayors from all EnercitEE regions came together in Växjö, Sweden from 30 May to 1 June 2012 to visit several examples of “Europe’s greenest city” and to exchange energy efficiency solutions at the local level.

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Policy maker exchange – mayors from the EnercitEE partner regions will travel to Växjö, Sweden

From 30 May to 01 June 2012 the city of Växjö in Smaland, Sweden welcomes interested mayors from the different EnercitEE partner regions to provide an inside into its climate protection and energy policy and its vision to become a fossil fuel free city until 2030. The city of Växjö has been called “the greenest city of Europe” by many journalists, a recognition for its visionary sustainability strategy. 

During the 2 day meeting the mayors will learn why and how Växjö’s vision could have been and will be implemented that successfully. Furthermore they will be presented exemplary energy efficiency measures and solutions in the fields of transport, heat/cooling generation and – distribution, public participation and future strategies that have already been carried out by the city, such as:

Cycle lanes/ boxes
Most CO2 emissions arise in the transport sector. That is why the city fosters the  use of bicycles. A map illustrates the 150 km of cycle paths.

Free parking – for biogas, REM, DME, electrical and hybrid cars
This is an incentive to encourage people to use environmentally friendlier cars.

Bus station – biogas bus
The buses in Växjö are run with biogas produced in the sewage treatment plant in Växjö. 

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Regional EnercitEE conference was held in the capital of Lower Silesia, Wrocław, on 29 March 2012

As INTERREG IVC’s EnercitEE project has reached its halfway stage, the conference organized in the city of Wrocław provided a great opportunity to present its achievements so far with emphasis on regional outputs especially. With 8 sub-projects out of 11 featuring active Lower Silesian partners  (including 1 Lead Sub-Project Participant) the region is widely present in the mini-programme, which aims at seeking to implement the EU targets on energy efficiency practically.

The conference main objective was to promote knowledge and exchange of experience as well as present good practices, which influence efficient and sustainable use of energy and environmental resources. It was attended by over 50 participants from local and regional authorities and public institutions.

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