Final regional EnercitEE conference in Lower Silesia attracts many participants
One of EnercitEE partners, the region of Lower Silesia, organized its final conference in Wrocław on 20th November. The topic was “Energy efficient buildings. Requirements, best practices and recommendations based on experiences from EnercitEE.”
The conference aimed to promote knowledge, exchange experience and present good practices that affect the efficient use of energy and the sustainable use of natural resources in the building sector.
Study visit of Lower Silesian local and regional policy makers to Bologna, Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
On 21-23 October 2013, the capital of Italian Emilia-Romagna region, Bologna, was visited by 17 policy makers representing local and regional authorities in Lower Silesia. The visit, which was organised as an activity of the EnercitEE project, was aimed to get to know local good practices and exchange experiences in the field of energy efficiency improvement.
The exchange of students’ experiences between regions is the central focus of PraTLA’s final stage
PraTLA is a sub-project on practical training of students and local energy experts in local authorities. It helps to open doors: students get a first insight into local administrational structures and local authorities learn to better tap certain potential and setting up of strategies using students as energy experts for these tasks.
The Sub-Project will end at 31st October 2012. Since the beginning of 2011 until now, approximately 58 trainings in 4 different countries have been carried out or are currently completing in municipal institutions.
For Lower Silesia, this time period was the core activity part of the project since all practical trainings were carried out in a period of three months. In this region there are only very few local energy strategies available. So, the students focused on helping the local authorities to set up an initial strategy on energy efficiency measures identifying some key areas. Seven papers on local strategies have been prepared under PraTLA in the region. In Haute-Savoie, smaller groups of students have assessed local EE activities in some smaller municipalities in the region and identified first improvement potential in this area which will be in some cases anchored in concrete measures that are being set up. In Saxony, students assessed concrete areas of intervention in local authorities or public institutions and performed feasibility studies on the improvement of heating systems or energy-efficient potential in the refurbishment of public buildings.
CLIPART meeting in Jelenia Gora, Poland
On 21 -22 March, in the Polish city of Jelenia Gora, there was another Clipart meeting. The project participants had the opportunity to meet with the city officials, the representatives of local authorities and environmental organizations who were invited for the conference. The meeting started with the warm welcome of Jelenia Góra mayer Marcin Zawiła. Then, the invited quests introduced their opinion about the climate change in the area of Jelenia Góra within last 30 years.
Regional EnercitEE conference was held in the capital of Lower Silesia, Wrocław, on 29 March 2012
As INTERREG IVC’s EnercitEE project has reached its halfway stage, the conference organized in the city of Wrocław provided a great opportunity to present its achievements so far with emphasis on regional outputs especially. With 8 sub-projects out of 11 featuring active Lower Silesian partners (including 1 Lead Sub-Project Participant) the region is widely present in the mini-programme, which aims at seeking to implement the EU targets on energy efficiency practically.
The conference main objective was to promote knowledge and exchange of experience as well as present good practices, which influence efficient and sustainable use of energy and environmental resources. It was attended by over 50 participants from local and regional authorities and public institutions.
Séminaire de Wroclaw – outils et politiques locales – Pologne
Du 26 au 27 octobre, des experts des régions de Smaland, du Land de Saxe, d’Emilia Romagna, de Basse Silésie et de Haute- Savoie
L’objectif global du séminaire était d’échanger des expériences sur les différents systèmes de gestion de la qualité, sur des outils de contrôle, sur des instruments de planification énergétique et sur les politiques énergétiques dans les différentes régions. Cela a permis aux experts présents de discuter de leurs avantages et inconvénients.
Le séminaire a été divisé en deux parties. La première partie se composait de trois ateliers sur les thèmes suivants:
1) plans climat/énergie locaux et régionaux, les concepts et les bilans
2) outils et instruments concrets pour les collectivités – les hauts-
savoyards ont présenté le bonus de COS par exemple.
3) Mesures et actions pour l’Engagement des citoyens – les hauts-
savoyards ont présenté Familles à Energie Positive et Stop aux déchets.
La deuxième partie du séminaire a été caractérisée par des sessions ouvertes dans lesquelles les experts ont fourni des suggestions et des recommandations pour s’attaquer aux défis locaux sur ces questions de planification énergétique et d’engagement citoyen.
Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw / Poland
From 26 to 27 October 2011 energy experts from the regions Saxony, Smaland, Emilia-Romagna, Haute-Savoie and Lower Silesia met in Wroclaw, Poland.
The overall aim of the seminar was to exchange experience on various quality managements systems, control tools and existing energy planning instruments and policies between the regions and to discuss their pros and cons.
Lower Silesian participation in the international conference „Energy Autonomy for the House, District, Community and Region”
On 2 September 2011 the Lower Silesian EnercitEE regional management participated in an international conference „Energy Autonomy for the House, District, Community and Region” held in Wrocław, which was organized by the Free Entrepreneurship Association (Stowarzyszenie Wolna Przedsiębiorczość), a very active regional agent in the energy sector. Honorary patronage was held by prof. Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, and Rafal Jurkowlaniec, Marshal of Lower Silesia Voivodeship.
EnercitEE at the 8th Energy Conservation Days in Wrocław, 3-4 Nov 2010
The aim of the two-day conference was to discuss and popularise the idea of sustainable building in the aspect of energy efficiency, as well as to present the achievements and opportunities concerning energy conservation.
Lower Silesian regional kick-off conference
Lower Silesian regional EnercitEE kick-off conference was held by the Marshal’s Office of Lower Silesian Voivodeship in Wrocław on 30th June 2010.