

Local award ceremony of E-FoxES at Prioriterre, Meythet, France

On May 31st, the award ceremony of E-FoxES took place at Prioriterre in Meythet. About 60 people coming from four junior high schools all over the department of Haute-Savoie participated, and they were all welcomed by a politician of Conseil General of Haute Savoie. Each of the four schools presented the actions they implemented during the challenge in 15 minutes. Some did it in the form of sketches, others brought the thermography results they did in their building.

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EnercitEE meeting in Annecy / France

All EnercitEE Working Group members met in Annecy, France, from 28 to 29 June 2011.

Picture: Working Group meeting Annecy June 2011

The aim of the 2-day meeting was mainly to discuss the content and layout of the Good Practice Guide (GPG). In the morning of the first day each EnercitEE Regional Manager presented the good practice examples of its region to be included in the 5 chapters of the GPG. Each chapter deals with Energy Efficiency in the fields of buildings, heat and power generation/supply, transport/mobility, innovation and technology and communication and motivation. The Good Practice Guide in English will be published by the end of summer this year. The English as well as the partners’ translated versions will be provided for download on the EnercitEE website.

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Premiers resultats pour le programme EnercitEE en Haute-Savoie

Mardi  7 juin 2011, le Conseil général a accueilli les étudiants de l’IER de Poisy pour la présentation de leurs travaux sur l’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique menés auprès de 6 communes de Haute-Savoie.

Entourés de leur professeur, des représentants des communes de Douvaine, de Massongy, de Loisin, de Vallières et d’Alby sur Chéran ainsi que du CAUE, ils ont exposé le diagnostic  des consommations d’énergie et d’eau qu’ils ont réalisé avec l’aide des services techniques et ont proposé un certain nombre de pistes de travail et d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique. 

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Lancement du projet EnercitEE en France

If you wish to have the text translated into French, please use the google translator that is available under the EnercitEE map in the right column of this site.

The French partners kickstarted EnercitEE in June 2010. This short FRENCH video gives a perfect overview on partners, objectives and the participation in the sub-projects of the European project. 

[youtube fgf_Sksvr9Y]



Premiere réunion des EnercitEE partenaires de la Haute-Savoie

Le Conseil général de la Haute-Savoie a accueilli le 15 décembre 2010 les 6 partenaires retenus dans le cadre du premier appel à projet EnercitEE, qui a pour but de favoriser l’échange d’expérience au niveau européen. Le CG74 a également décidé de promouvoir l’échange d’expérience au niveau local entre les différents sous-projets.

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First meeting of SPPs in Haute-Savoie

On the 15th December 2010, the Conseil Général de la Haute-Savoie (CG74) welcomed the 6 partners who take part in one of the 6 sub-projects that were approved in the 1st Call for Proposals within EnercitEE. EnercitEE aims to foster the exchange of experience on Energy Efficiency among European regions. CG74 also decided to promote the exchange of experience on a regional level between the French Sub-Project Participants (SPP).

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Regional kick-off meeting in Haute-Savoie

On the 8th of June 2010, the Conseil General of Haute-Savoie has organised the regional kick-off meeting in its High Environmental Quality Building in Annecy. The president of Environment Commission has welcomed the 35 representatives from municipalities, universities, public services, associations and energy agencies who have participated in this event as well as local TV and press media that covered EnercitEE.

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