Local award ceremony of E-FoxES at Prioriterre, Meythet, France
On May 31st, the award ceremony of E-FoxES took place at Prioriterre in Meythet. About 60 people coming from four junior high schools all over the department of Haute-Savoie participated, and they were all welcomed by a politician of Conseil General of Haute Savoie. Each of the four schools presented the actions they implemented during the challenge in 15 minutes. Some did it in the form of sketches, others brought the thermography results they did in their building.
Following the presentation, the pupils had to answer a quiz which gave the opportunity to introduce them the Maison pour la Planète, a passive-energy building, and also the various objects exposed there, such as dry toilets or electric bikes.
Finally, the cultural centre of Sciez organised a photo exhibition on waste and recycling. At the same time, one of the junior high schools exposed the photos of good practices they adopted and exposed inside the school.
In the end, Ms Marion Bourget, energy adviser announced the results for each school. All pupils received a yellow slap wrap band for bicycles and a leaflet for the participation to the next round of Energy Neighbourhoods, a project in which prioriterre is invested. Some junior high schools showed interest to participate to the next round of E-FoxES. One article was released on the local press about the event on June 9th.