Local award ceremony of E-FoxES at Prioriterre, Meythet, France
On May 31st, the award ceremony of E-FoxES took place at Prioriterre in Meythet. About 60 people coming from four junior high schools all over the department of Haute-Savoie participated, and they were all welcomed by a politician of Conseil General of Haute Savoie. Each of the four schools presented the actions they implemented during the challenge in 15 minutes. Some did it in the form of sketches, others brought the thermography results they did in their building.
Energiesparfüchse gesucht
Cette année c’est Energie Durable pour Tous
Le 20 décembre 2010, l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a proclamé 2012 Année internationale de l’énergie durable pour tous.
Du global…
Cette Année Internationale de l’Energie Durable pour Tous représente une opportunité unique de sensibiliser le plus grand nombre à l’importance d’encourager à tous les niveaux l’efficience énergétique, l’accès durable à l’énergie, et l’énergie renouvelable. L’accès à l’énergie, en particulier l’énergie durable, dans les pays en développement permet entre autres :
Meerane´s students strive for car traffic reduction in their home town
On 22 September 2011 students from Meerane carried out an action day “On foot into the city” to motivate Meerane´s inhabitants and visitors to change their behaviour towards sustainable mobility.
An information booth on the market place addressed the current car traffic situation in the town, its general impact on the environment, related CO2 emissions and possibilities to reduce the negative effects of individual motor car traffic.