

EnercitEE meeting in Annecy/ France

From 31th January to 1st February 2012 EnercitEE‘s Working and Steering Group members met in Annecy, France.

Picture: EnercitEE members

EnercitEE members in Annecy

As it was half time of EnercitEE, the Working Group firstly looked back on the milestones already reached within the project:

  • a strengthened partnership of 5 European regions;
  • 6 Working Group and 4 Steering Group Meetings in Dresden, Wroclaw, Heraklion, Växjö, Annecy and Bologna;
  • a corporate design, website, blog, joint European flyers, regional flyers, EnercitEE roll ups, 4 newsletters, etc;
  • 1st Component Seminar in Växjö on “EE heat and power generation and distribution”;
  • 1 Good Practice Guide on Energy Efficiency Excellence from EnercitEE regions;
  • 1 Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw on new instruments for local energy planning and implementation and
  • 11 approved sub-projects.

The Working Group further discussed the structure and timeline of the upcoming Policy maker exchange in Växjö taking place from 31st May to 1st June 2012 and the 3rd Component Seminar scheduled for October 2012 in Leipzig.

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Séminaire de Wroclaw – outils et politiques locales – Pologne

Du 26 au 27 octobre, des experts des régions de Smaland, du Land de Saxe, d’Emilia Romagna, de Basse Silésie et de Haute- Savoie

L’objectif global du séminaire était d’échanger des expériences sur les différents systèmes de gestion de la qualité, sur des outils de contrôle, sur des instruments de planification énergétique et sur les politiques énergétiques dans les différentes régions. Cela a permis aux experts présents de discuter de leurs avantages et inconvénients.

Le séminaire a été divisé en deux parties. La première partie se composait de trois ateliers sur les thèmes suivants:
1) plans climat/énergie locaux et régionaux, les concepts et les bilans
2) outils et instruments concrets pour les collectivités – les hauts-
savoyards ont présenté le bonus de COS par exemple.
3) Mesures et actions pour l’Engagement des citoyens – les hauts-
savoyards ont présenté Familles à Energie Positive et Stop aux déchets.

La deuxième partie du séminaire a été caractérisée par des sessions ouvertes dans lesquelles les experts ont fourni des suggestions et des recommandations pour s’attaquer aux défis locaux sur ces questions de planification énergétique et d’engagement citoyen.



FIPREC’s kick-off meeting in Porretta Terme

The FIPREC sub-project started in Porretta Terme, 25th-27th October 2011 at CISA (Innovation Center Environmental Sustainability) headquarters where the LSPP welcomed the 2 partners who take part in one of the five sub-projects that were approved in the 2nd Call for Proposals within EnercitEE.

Impression from the kick-off meeting

Each participant (CISA, Saxon Energy Agency – SAENA GmbH and District of Olawa) shortly presented itself and the projects already carried out. Many subjects were discussed, all of them listed on a meeting agenda agreed in advance, dealing especially with the overall objective of FIPREC which is to contribute to solving the applicative problems in public-private partnership and project financing, which have arisen in the energy sector interventions, especially where the financial return require a long time.



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Polish-German promotional meeting entitled “Innovative technologies – Renewable energy sources”

On 18th October 2011 a Polish-German promotional meeting entitled “Innovative technologies – Renewable energy sources” took place in the Forest School in Bielawa. The meeting was organized under the project called “Local energy efficiency advice and networks (LEEAN)” which is implemented under the INTERREG IVC program “EnercitEE”.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Polish Chamber of Craft and the Guild of Various Crafts and Small Businesses, but also by representatives of the Chamber of Craft from Świdnica and of the Municipal Office of Bielawa. The patronage over the meeting was taken by the president of the Chamber of Crafts in Swidnica – Kazimierz Rachowiecki, the mayor of the city of Bielawa Ryszard Dźwiniel and the president of the City Council of Bielawa Leszek Stróżyk. The representatives of Bielawa included also the deputy of the mayor, Andrzej Hordyj. The German side was represented by the representatives of the Chamber of Craft of Dresden Ivan Purath and Homola, Hubner and Geissler.

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Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw / Poland

From 26 to 27 October 2011 energy experts from the regions Saxony, Smaland, Emilia-Romagna, Haute-Savoie and Lower Silesia met in Wroclaw, Poland.

Picture: Experts and EnercitEE members

The overall aim of the seminar was to exchange experience on various quality managements systems, control tools and existing energy planning instruments and policies between the regions and to discuss their pros and cons.

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18th Polish-German-Czech Entrepreneurs’ Cooperation Forum

The 18th Polish-German-Czech Entrepreneurs’ Cooperation Forum was held on the 10th November 2011 in Jelenia Góra. The meeting was organized by Karkonoska Agency for Regional Development which is also participating in EnercitEE’s sub-project PraTLA.

Impression from the Forum

Impression from the Forum


The theme of the Forum were issues related to energy-efficient construction, environmental engineering, environmental protection and waste management. This year 150 companies have reported the participation,  including 60 companies from Poland, 40 German companies and 50 companies from Czech (200 people).

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Sharing experiences in Sweden – RIEEB partners meet in Ronneby

Partners from the RIEEB sub-project met in Ronneby and Växjö in the south of Sweden at the end of September. The sub-project is all about validating energy calculations so that we will actually live up to the higher aims of reducing energy consumption and green house gases.

Two days were spent discussing outputs, results, what to do, what has been done and what has not been done. All this was done under the strict supervision of project manager Stefan Vetter from SAENA in Dresden.

There were also ample opportunities for study visits e.g. Portvakten in Växjö which is Sweden’s first apartment building constructed in wood and with passive house-technique.

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Sustainable transport: how to do it? 12 good examples

Exchange of experience within SustraMM – Sustainable transports for managing mobility – one of the six approved sub-projects from EnercitEE’s 1st call

The exchange of experience on implemented mobility management measures between participating regions was carried out by SustraMM sub-project participants who collected and presented good practice examples. The good practices presented cover a wide range of topics, such as programs encouraging car commuters to use public transport, the support of bicycle traffic, mobility management measures implemented by companies, and training and outreach programs.

Photo provided by Blekingetrafiken

Several mobility measures with the objective to encourage car commuters to use public transport were presented. In particular, the City of Cluses, France, is reorganizing four bus lines and offering free ridership in order to attract new commuters and to motivate higher usage of public transport. Furthermore, in Sweden, the Blekingetrafiken (public transport provider) offers free ridership during the first one to two months of usage to all car drivers that are willing to use public transport instead of driving to work. Additionally, educational and outreach activities are seen in programs such as The Blekinge Trip, in Sweden. The program is focusing on “the travellers of tomorrow” (i.e. 12-year-olds) by providing hands-on-experience on how to effectively use different means of public transportation and get to the desired destination. Students, traveling in small groups of four to seven people, typically plan a day trip by using buses and/or trains and afterwards they present their trip report in school.

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Lower Silesian participation in the international conference „Energy Autonomy for the House, District, Community and Region”

On 2 September 2011 the Lower Silesian EnercitEE regional management participated in an international conference „Energy Autonomy for the House, District, Community and Region” held in Wrocław, which was organized by the Free Entrepreneurship Association (Stowarzyszenie Wolna Przedsiębiorczość), a very active regional agent in the energy sector. Honorary patronage was held by prof. Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, and Rafal Jurkowlaniec, Marshal of Lower Silesia Voivodeship.

Impression from the conference

Impression from the conference

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Premiers resultats pour le programme EnercitEE en Haute-Savoie

Mardi  7 juin 2011, le Conseil général a accueilli les étudiants de l’IER de Poisy pour la présentation de leurs travaux sur l’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique menés auprès de 6 communes de Haute-Savoie.

Entourés de leur professeur, des représentants des communes de Douvaine, de Massongy, de Loisin, de Vallières et d’Alby sur Chéran ainsi que du CAUE, ils ont exposé le diagnostic  des consommations d’énergie et d’eau qu’ils ont réalisé avec l’aide des services techniques et ont proposé un certain nombre de pistes de travail et d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique. 

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