

ENERCIDAY: the final regional event in Emilia-Romagna

Morning Session - Presentation good practices and results

Morning Session – Presentation good practices and results

On November 21st ASTER and Emilia-Romagna Region organized the regional event “ENERCIDAY“. A more than than 50 stakeholders in energy efficiency themes participated at the event. During the meeting the good practices and  practical tools developed within Enercitee, ActEE, Clipart, Grace, SCC, Fiprec, Leean have been presented.

Welcome Speech

Welcome Speech

The web search engine EESE (EnercitEE Search Engine) developed during these last months has been presented in the morning session (www.aster.it/enercitee/eese).
In the afternoon session, sub-projects partners held a follow-up one-to-one meeting devoted to the participants interested in having more information on the good practice and discussing possible further exchange.
Materials and guidelines produced by the projects have been disseminated during the event.

Afternoon Session - One to one meeting

Afternoon Session – One to one meeting




Final regional EnercitEE conference in Lower Silesia attracts many participants

One of EnercitEE partners, the region of Lower Silesia, organized its final conference in Wrocław on 20th November. The topic was “Energy efficient buildings. Requirements, best practices and  recommendations based on experiences from EnercitEE.”


The conference aimed to promote knowledge, exchange experience and present good practices that affect the efficient use of energy and the sustainable use of natural resources in the building sector.

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Study visit of Lower Silesian local and regional policy makers to Bologna, Emilia-Romagna (Italy)

On 21-23 October 2013, the capital of Italian Emilia-Romagna region, Bologna, was visited by 17 policy makers representing local and regional authorities in Lower Silesia. The visit, which was organised as an activity of the EnercitEE project, was aimed to get to know local good practices and exchange experiences in the field of energy efficiency improvement.


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EnercitEE – Final Interregional Conference in Brussels

On 25th September 2013 EnercitEE’s final conference took place in the Saxony Liaison Office in Brussels. About 100 guests from DG Energy, the European Parliament, from many regional liaison offices and federations joined the EnercitEE partners, listened to their experiences made, to the good practices presented and discussed the results with them. 

Showing the implementation of EU energy directives into regional policies and practices as well as giving practical implementation examples – these were the main objectives of the final conference organized by the Mini-Programme Coordination Office, the coordinating team of the Saxon Lead Partner.

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Regionale Abschlussbroschüre erhältlich

Die Broschüre fasst die wichtigsten Aktivitäten und Ergebnisse aus den 10 Teilprojekten in Sachsen sowie aus der interregionalen Zusammenarbeit zusammen. Themenschwerpunkte der Arbeit waren energieeffiziente Gebäude, Bewusstseinsbildung und Sensibilisierung, Finanzierungsmodelle und –programme sowie konzeptionelle und planerische Maßnahmen für die Kommunalverwaltung. Viele dieser Ergebnisse sind übertragbar und stehen nun Kommunen, Bürgern und anderen interessierten Akteuren zur Weiternutzung zur Verfügung.


Cover Regionale 

 Die Broschüre steht hier zum Download bereit oder ist kostenfrei als print-Version erhältlich:

Ansprechpartnerin: Anne Schulz, anne.schulz@smul.sachsen.de, Tel.: 0351/2612 5510



Kurzfilm über EnercitEE in Sachsen

Im Rahmen der regionalen Abschlussveranstaltung am 13.06.2013 in Dresden Hellerau gedreht, fasst der Kurzfilm Ziele, Aktivitäten und Ergebnisse von EnercitEE in Sachsen zusammen:





Regionale Abschlussveranstaltung „Sachsen trifft Europa: Innovative Ergebnisse für mehr Energieeffizienz in Kommunen und bei den Bürgern

Das europäische Energieeffizienzprojekt EnercitEE zieht Bilanz nach mehr als dreijähriger erfolgreicher Arbeit. Bei einer regionalen Abschlussveranstaltung am 13.06.2013 in Dresden Hellerau wurden viele innovative Lösungen und Instrumente aus den 10 Teilprojekten präsentiert.

SM Kupfer

Themenschwerpunkte waren dabei energieeffiziente Gebäude, Bewusstseinsbildung und Sensibilisierung, Finanzierungsmodelle und –programme sowie konzeptionelle und planerische Maßnahmen für die Kommunalverwaltung. Viele dieser Ergebnisse sind übertragbar und stehen nun Kommunen, Bürgern und anderen interessierten Akteuren zur Weiternutzung zur Verfügung.

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EnercitEE at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels

„Practical Approaches to more energy efficiency for European Cities and Citizens“

On 24 April 2013 EnercitEE hosted a quite special dissemination event at the Committee of the Regions (CoR) Building in Brussels.


The idea of such an event was to ensure that interested European, regional and local authorities/stakeholders get to know EnercitEE, its activities and achievements and take this knowledge back to their regions. Therefore the EnercitEE partnership organised a lunch reception in connection with a meeting of one of the CoR commissions – the Commission for Environment, Climate Change and Energy (ENVE).

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Animated film illustrates EnercitEE!

[youtube 2VPRzmsVGGQ]



Efficient – Regenerative – Profitable: Smart Concepts and Tools for Municipal Energy Supply

On 18 April 2013 a joint conference of the EU-projects EnercitEE and EmPower has taken place in Leipzig, Saxony. More than 100 participants listened to the presentation of ten innovative technical and strategic solutions.

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