

SUSTRAMM – First steps towards the implementation of an electric bus line in Pirna (Saxony)

On 23 August Saxony´s SUSTRAMM Sub-Project Participants the City of Pirna and the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden) jointly deducted a workshop addressing the projected implementation of an electric bus in the historic city centre of Pirna.

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Kick-off-meeting of the EnercitEE sub-project GRACE

The kick-off-meeting of the sub-project GRACE was held from 12th to 13th July 2011 in Bautzen.

GRACE kick-off-meeting on 12th July 2011 in Bautzen

Sub-project partners from the Italian region Emilia- Romagna and from Lower Silesia, Poland participated in the 1st GRACE meeting. The kick-off-meeting was opened by the welcome address from Christina Mante from the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology. She introduced EnercitEE and explained the structure and objectives of this INTERREG IVC project.

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Kick-off meeting of the sub-project E-FoxES in Bautzen, Saxony

Participants of the kick-off meeting in front of Bautzen Innovation Centre

The first meeting of the EnercitEE sub-project E-FoxES „Energy saving foxes in European Schools“ was held in Bautzen in the end of June 2011.

The Bautzen Innovation Centre TGZ Bautzen is the Lead Sub-Project Participant (LSPP). Further sub-project partners are the French NGO Prioriterre from Haute Savoie and Energikontor Sydost from Southeast Sweden. Hartmut Vogel from Bautzen town council and Christina Mante from the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology attended the meeting, too.

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First sub-project publications available

Information material like flyers, newsletters and brochures produced by the EnercitEE sub-projects are made available on the EnercitEE website. Currently the following publications are available:





All sub-project publicity material can be found in the document section.



RIEEB Workshop on 24 June 2011 in Leipzig

On 24 June 2011 the Saxon Energy Agency as Lead Sub-Project Participant of the EnercitEE sub-project RIEEB organised the first practical workshop on “Building with Passive House components”. The “Westbad Leipzig” served as the perfect venue since the building shows how future energetic requirements in the building sector will be implemented.

Since 2003 the “Westbad Leipzig” has been rebuilt to a Health Care and Sport Center. The middle part of the complex of buildings will be reconstructed in the passive house style. The very low rest of the whole building’s thermal heat demand of 6 kWh/(m²a) will be provided by a gas-fired condensing boiler. After the reconstruction the middle part will host “Assisted living” and doctor’s offices. 

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Premiers resultats pour le programme EnercitEE en Haute-Savoie

Mardi  7 juin 2011, le Conseil général a accueilli les étudiants de l’IER de Poisy pour la présentation de leurs travaux sur l’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique menés auprès de 6 communes de Haute-Savoie.

Entourés de leur professeur, des représentants des communes de Douvaine, de Massongy, de Loisin, de Vallières et d’Alby sur Chéran ainsi que du CAUE, ils ont exposé le diagnostic  des consommations d’énergie et d’eau qu’ils ont réalisé avec l’aide des services techniques et ont proposé un certain nombre de pistes de travail et d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique. 

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Lancement du projet EnercitEE en France

If you wish to have the text translated into French, please use the google translator that is available under the EnercitEE map in the right column of this site.

The French partners kickstarted EnercitEE in June 2010. This short FRENCH video gives a perfect overview on partners, objectives and the participation in the sub-projects of the European project. 

[youtube fgf_Sksvr9Y]



Kick-off meeting of LEEAN and RIEEB in Dresden (Saxony)

The sub-projects LEEAN and RIEEB jointly held its first meeting in Dresden on 9 March 2011 at the premises of the Saena GmbH as the Lead Sub-Project Participant. The table below shows the partners who attended the kick-off meeting.

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Results of sub-project evaluation 2nd Call

The EnercitEE partner regions have assessed the six applications received under the 2nd Call for Proposals. A decision was taken on 6 April 2011 at the Working and Steering Group Meeting in Växjö. The EnercitEE Steering Group decided:

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Successful closure of 2nd Call

EnercitEE closed its 2nd Call for Proposals on Friday 4 March 2011. Interested parties from the participating regions had over three months time to elaborate their ideas, to find appropriate partners and to set up a joint sub-project application.

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