

Energy efficient Saxony: Ten new initiatives for climate protection

Under this slogan an EnercitEE conference took place on 27 February 2012 in Dresden.
The Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture (SMUL), being the Lead Partner of EnercitEE, invited representatives of local authorities, energy agencies, universities and other interested parties to join the conference in order to not only getting to know new initiatives that deal with energy efficiency and climate protection but also to profit from their activities and results.

Pciture: Mr Kupfer opened the event

Mr Frank Kupfer opened the conference

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EnercitEE meeting in Annecy/ France

From 31th January to 1st February 2012 EnercitEE‘s Working and Steering Group members met in Annecy, France.

Picture: EnercitEE members

EnercitEE members in Annecy

As it was half time of EnercitEE, the Working Group firstly looked back on the milestones already reached within the project:

  • a strengthened partnership of 5 European regions;
  • 6 Working Group and 4 Steering Group Meetings in Dresden, Wroclaw, Heraklion, Växjö, Annecy and Bologna;
  • a corporate design, website, blog, joint European flyers, regional flyers, EnercitEE roll ups, 4 newsletters, etc;
  • 1st Component Seminar in Växjö on “EE heat and power generation and distribution”;
  • 1 Good Practice Guide on Energy Efficiency Excellence from EnercitEE regions;
  • 1 Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw on new instruments for local energy planning and implementation and
  • 11 approved sub-projects.

The Working Group further discussed the structure and timeline of the upcoming Policy maker exchange in Växjö taking place from 31st May to 1st June 2012 and the 3rd Component Seminar scheduled for October 2012 in Leipzig.

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EnercitEE Good Practice Guide is now available.

We are happy to inform you that our EnercitEE Good Practice Guide is now available.

The Good Practice Guide is one important result of the interregional exchange of experience. In this brochure outstanding good practice examples from the EnercitEE partner regions in the specific areas of competence such as buildings, heat/power generation and distribution, transport, innovation and technology, and communication and motivation are presented.

The English as well as German version can be downloaded from the document section.

In case you wish to receive copies of our Good Practice Guide in English or German please contact the Mini-Programme Coordination Office via email at info@enercitee.eu.



Pressemitteilung vom 09.12.2011

Heizen mit Abwasser

Sammlung guter Praxisbeispiele zur Energieeffizienz jetzt als kostenfreie Broschüre erhältlich

Ein im Abwasserkanal installierter Wärmetauscher liefert zusammen mit einer Wärmepumpe die Heizenergie für über 1500 Quadratmeter Gebäudefläche. Selbst bei Wintertemperaturen von minus 16 Grad Celsius ist das System in der Lage, eine zuverlässige Wärmeversorgung sicherzustellen und ersetzt fast vollständig den mit Heizöl betriebenen klimaschädlichen Dampfkessel.

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EnercitEE meeting in Bologna / Italy

From 29 to 30 September 2011 the EnercitEE Working and Steering Group members met in Bologna, Italy.

The Working Group members discussed organisational issues for the upcoming Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw (scheduled for end of October 2011) and the Policy Maker Exchange in Växjö, Sweden (planned for June 2012). As a highlight of the meeting the prefinal printed version of the Good Practice Guide (GPG) in English which should be published soon was handed out to the group. Furthermore, the Regional Managers presented the progress and activities of the EnercitEE sub-projects.

In the afternoon of the first day of the meeting the Steering Group members discussed latest regional policies and future challenges in the different regions.

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SCC – The citizens of Haute-Savoie engaged for eco-consumption

For this “Sustainable Climate Challenge”, prioriterre has organized several workshops in order to inform and engage citizens to think about how they can behave and consume in an eco-friendly way in their daily lives.

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Let’s make a trip to the world of energy – energy day in a Swedish kindergarten

In May we spent two days in a Swedish kindergarten to talk about the topic energy. The kindergarten is not far from Oskarshamn, deep in the forest on the Swedish countryside. As we smelled the country air we knew we were right. There the kids have a close contact to the nature and to the animals. They learn to take care of them- in my opinion a really good concept.

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Kick-off-meeting of the EnercitEE sub-project GRACE

The kick-off-meeting of the sub-project GRACE was held from 12th to 13th July 2011 in Bautzen.

GRACE kick-off-meeting on 12th July 2011 in Bautzen

Sub-project partners from the Italian region Emilia- Romagna and from Lower Silesia, Poland participated in the 1st GRACE meeting. The kick-off-meeting was opened by the welcome address from Christina Mante from the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology. She introduced EnercitEE and explained the structure and objectives of this INTERREG IVC project.

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Kick-off meeting of the sub-project E-FoxES in Bautzen, Saxony

Participants of the kick-off meeting in front of Bautzen Innovation Centre

The first meeting of the EnercitEE sub-project E-FoxES „Energy saving foxes in European Schools“ was held in Bautzen in the end of June 2011.

The Bautzen Innovation Centre TGZ Bautzen is the Lead Sub-Project Participant (LSPP). Further sub-project partners are the French NGO Prioriterre from Haute Savoie and Energikontor Sydost from Southeast Sweden. Hartmut Vogel from Bautzen town council and Christina Mante from the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology attended the meeting, too.

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First sub-project publications available

Information material like flyers, newsletters and brochures produced by the EnercitEE sub-projects are made available on the EnercitEE website. Currently the following publications are available:





All sub-project publicity material can be found in the document section.

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