

Saxony´s new energy and climate programme released for hearing

The draft version of Saxony´s first Energy and Climate Programme was released on 25 October for hearing in the Saxon Cabinet. This programme will substitute and combine the former Energy Programme (2004), the Climate Protection Programme (2001) and the Action Plan Energy and Climate (2008).

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Meerane´s students strive for car traffic reduction in their home town

On 22 September 2011 students from Meerane carried out an action day “On foot into the city” to motivate Meerane´s inhabitants and visitors to change their behaviour towards sustainable mobility.

An information booth on the market place addressed the current car traffic situation in the town, its general impact on the environment, related CO2 emissions and possibilities to reduce the negative effects of individual motor car traffic.

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Sharing experiences in Sweden – RIEEB partners meet in Ronneby

Partners from the RIEEB sub-project met in Ronneby and Växjö in the south of Sweden at the end of September. The sub-project is all about validating energy calculations so that we will actually live up to the higher aims of reducing energy consumption and green house gases.

Two days were spent discussing outputs, results, what to do, what has been done and what has not been done. All this was done under the strict supervision of project manager Stefan Vetter from SAENA in Dresden.

There were also ample opportunities for study visits e.g. Portvakten in Växjö which is Sweden’s first apartment building constructed in wood and with passive house-technique.

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EnercitEE meeting in Bologna / Italy

From 29 to 30 September 2011 the EnercitEE Working and Steering Group members met in Bologna, Italy.

The Working Group members discussed organisational issues for the upcoming Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw (scheduled for end of October 2011) and the Policy Maker Exchange in Växjö, Sweden (planned for June 2012). As a highlight of the meeting the prefinal printed version of the Good Practice Guide (GPG) in English which should be published soon was handed out to the group. Furthermore, the Regional Managers presented the progress and activities of the EnercitEE sub-projects.

In the afternoon of the first day of the meeting the Steering Group members discussed latest regional policies and future challenges in the different regions.

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SCC – The citizens of Haute-Savoie engaged for eco-consumption

For this “Sustainable Climate Challenge”, prioriterre has organized several workshops in order to inform and engage citizens to think about how they can behave and consume in an eco-friendly way in their daily lives.

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Sustainable transport: how to do it? 12 good examples

Exchange of experience within SustraMM – Sustainable transports for managing mobility – one of the six approved sub-projects from EnercitEE’s 1st call

The exchange of experience on implemented mobility management measures between participating regions was carried out by SustraMM sub-project participants who collected and presented good practice examples. The good practices presented cover a wide range of topics, such as programs encouraging car commuters to use public transport, the support of bicycle traffic, mobility management measures implemented by companies, and training and outreach programs.

Photo provided by Blekingetrafiken

Several mobility measures with the objective to encourage car commuters to use public transport were presented. In particular, the City of Cluses, France, is reorganizing four bus lines and offering free ridership in order to attract new commuters and to motivate higher usage of public transport. Furthermore, in Sweden, the Blekingetrafiken (public transport provider) offers free ridership during the first one to two months of usage to all car drivers that are willing to use public transport instead of driving to work. Additionally, educational and outreach activities are seen in programs such as The Blekinge Trip, in Sweden. The program is focusing on “the travellers of tomorrow” (i.e. 12-year-olds) by providing hands-on-experience on how to effectively use different means of public transportation and get to the desired destination. Students, traveling in small groups of four to seven people, typically plan a day trip by using buses and/or trains and afterwards they present their trip report in school.

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Zweites SustraMM-Projekttreffen zu nachhaltigen Lösungen im Bereich Mobilitätsmanagement

Französische, deutsche und schwedische Partner trafen sich am 30. und 31. August 2011 zum zweiten Projektreffen in Cluses, in Haute-Savoie/Frankreich.

Die Stadt Pirna und die TU Dresden berichteten von ihren veranstalteten Workshops und Untersuchungen zum City-Bus Pirna, der schon in wenigen Monaten seinen Test-Betrieb aufnehmen soll. Energiekontor Südostschweden entwickelte eine Fahrrad-Kampagne und führte ein Seminar zur Bedeutung des Fahrradverkehrs durch. Die Stadt Cluses präsentierte die Arbeitsergebnisse zum innerstädtischen Busnetz, dem städtischen Musikfestival, einem Fahrzeugpool für die Verwaltung sowie einer Plattform für umweltfreundliche Mobilität. Außerdem gab es eine Exkursion zu den Fahrradwegen (Green Lanes) in Cluses.

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RIEEB partners will meet in Sweden

This week partners from Sweden, Germany, Poland and France will meet in the South of Sweden to discuss how far we have come in the RIEEB-project. The main item on the agenda is the validation tool that each country uses to confirm that calculated energy targets are met in real-life.

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Successful second interregional meeting for SustraMM in Cluses, France

SustraMM – Sustainable transports for managing mobility – is the one of the six approved sub-projects from EnercitEE’s 1st call. French, German and Swedish partners met for the second time in Cluses, in Haute-Savoie, France on 30-31st of August.

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New energy efficient mobility trends from IAA motor show 2011

I have just come back from the Frankfurt Motor Show 2011 in another EU-project called Clean Drive.

It was very interesting to see that the focus of this year is on smaller and low-consumption combustion or electric vehicles. However, even though the car manufacturers have made significant progress in the development of hybrid technologies, the demand for large vehicles such as SUV is still growing in emerging markets, such as BRIC countries.

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