

CLIPART meeting in Jelenia Gora, Poland

On 21 -22 March, in the Polish city of Jelenia Gora, there was another Clipart meeting. The project participants had the opportunity to meet with the city officials, the representatives of local authorities and environmental organizations who were invited for the conference. The meeting started with the warm welcome of Jelenia Góra mayer Marcin Zawiła. Then, the invited quests introduced their opinion about the climate change in the area of Jelenia Góra within last 30 years.

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Policy maker exchange – mayors from the EnercitEE partner regions will travel to Växjö, Sweden

From 30 May to 01 June 2012 the city of Växjö in Smaland, Sweden welcomes interested mayors from the different EnercitEE partner regions to provide an inside into its climate protection and energy policy and its vision to become a fossil fuel free city until 2030. The city of Växjö has been called “the greenest city of Europe” by many journalists, a recognition for its visionary sustainability strategy. 

During the 2 day meeting the mayors will learn why and how Växjö’s vision could have been and will be implemented that successfully. Furthermore they will be presented exemplary energy efficiency measures and solutions in the fields of transport, heat/cooling generation and – distribution, public participation and future strategies that have already been carried out by the city, such as:

Cycle lanes/ boxes
Most CO2 emissions arise in the transport sector. That is why the city fosters the  use of bicycles. A map illustrates the 150 km of cycle paths.

Free parking – for biogas, REM, DME, electrical and hybrid cars
This is an incentive to encourage people to use environmentally friendlier cars.

Bus station – biogas bus
The buses in Växjö are run with biogas produced in the sewage treatment plant in Växjö. 

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Regional EnercitEE conference was held in the capital of Lower Silesia, Wrocław, on 29 March 2012

As INTERREG IVC’s EnercitEE project has reached its halfway stage, the conference organized in the city of Wrocław provided a great opportunity to present its achievements so far with emphasis on regional outputs especially. With 8 sub-projects out of 11 featuring active Lower Silesian partners  (including 1 Lead Sub-Project Participant) the region is widely present in the mini-programme, which aims at seeking to implement the EU targets on energy efficiency practically.

The conference main objective was to promote knowledge and exchange of experience as well as present good practices, which influence efficient and sustainable use of energy and environmental resources. It was attended by over 50 participants from local and regional authorities and public institutions.

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16 Saxon mayors will learn from Växjö – the city with the visionary climate protection and energy policy

Within the framework of EnercitEE a study trip to Växjö, Sweden will be organised from 30 May to 01 June 2012. The city of Växjö represents a shining example for climate protection with focus on energy efficiency and use of regional biomass. 

From 01 December 2011 to 25 January 2012 mayors throughout Saxony were welcome to apply for taking part in the study trip. Therefore mayors of the Saxon municipalities needed to describe implemented or planned measures regarding future energy supply in the municipality as well as his/her expectations on and motivation for participating in the study trip. Out of the 27 received applications the jury consisting of representatives of the Saxon State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology, the Saxon State Ministry of the Environment and Agriculture and Saxon Energy Agency (SAENA GmbH), selected 16 mayors that will go to Växjö.

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LEEAN Mid-term meeting: Sweden 26-27th January 2012

From 26 to 27 January 2012  a mid-term meeting for the participants of LEEAN took place at Calmar Stadshotel in the City of Kalmar (Sweden).

During the meeting LEEAN’s Sub-Project Participants presented the progress of the sub-project in the region. Among others the partners discussed what has happened so far and what needs still to be done, outputs that are already achieved and outputs that are planned and also the budget planning issue has been raised. 

The LSPP – SAENA presented general facts on the status of the project after the first two semesters. Further issues such as the project management (coordination and reporting, financial management), future targets and tasks, communication outputs such as project website, newsletter and brochures as well as the activities for the first semester in 2012 have been discussed.

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Energy efficient Saxony: Ten new initiatives for climate protection

Under this slogan an EnercitEE conference took place on 27 February 2012 in Dresden.
The Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture (SMUL), being the Lead Partner of EnercitEE, invited representatives of local authorities, energy agencies, universities and other interested parties to join the conference in order to not only getting to know new initiatives that deal with energy efficiency and climate protection but also to profit from their activities and results.

Pciture: Mr Kupfer opened the event

Mr Frank Kupfer opened the conference

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PraTLA – Assessing performance and potential is key to success

Many mayors would like to improve the energy efficiency of their city – if convincing solutions were at hand. This is one of the lessons learnt during PraTLA’s 2nd interregional meeting in Annecy on 3 Feb 2012.

PraTLA  has found more than 30 students so far that carry out practical trainings in local authorities helping cities to assess certain aspects of local energy performance or to set up, update and even improve energy strategies. Steffi Hänig a student from Zittau/Görlitz university of Applied Science even assessed local CO2 balancing systems in an interregional comparison when she made an internship at the Energy Agency for South East Sweden in Oskarshamn. The different approaches of Smaland (Kalmar and Kronober)/Blekinge and Saxony that have been identified during her six months training could help to improve both calculations systems in various ways.

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EnercitEE meeting in Annecy/ France

From 31th January to 1st February 2012 EnercitEE‘s Working and Steering Group members met in Annecy, France.

Picture: EnercitEE members

EnercitEE members in Annecy

As it was half time of EnercitEE, the Working Group firstly looked back on the milestones already reached within the project:

  • a strengthened partnership of 5 European regions;
  • 6 Working Group and 4 Steering Group Meetings in Dresden, Wroclaw, Heraklion, Växjö, Annecy and Bologna;
  • a corporate design, website, blog, joint European flyers, regional flyers, EnercitEE roll ups, 4 newsletters, etc;
  • 1st Component Seminar in Växjö on “EE heat and power generation and distribution”;
  • 1 Good Practice Guide on Energy Efficiency Excellence from EnercitEE regions;
  • 1 Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw on new instruments for local energy planning and implementation and
  • 11 approved sub-projects.

The Working Group further discussed the structure and timeline of the upcoming Policy maker exchange in Växjö taking place from 31st May to 1st June 2012 and the 3rd Component Seminar scheduled for October 2012 in Leipzig.

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Energiesparfüchse gesucht

Auftakt für die vierte Ausgabe des Bautzener Energiesparwettbewerbes
[youtube gCQDaZWeFxQ]



Cette année c’est Energie Durable pour Tous

Le 20 décembre 2010, l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a proclamé 2012 Année internationale de l’énergie durable pour tous.

Du global… 

Cette Année Internationale de l’Energie Durable pour Tous représente une opportunité unique de sensibiliser le plus grand nombre à l’importance d’encourager à tous les niveaux l’efficience énergétique, l’accès durable à l’énergie, et l’énergie renouvelable. L’accès à l’énergie, en particulier l’énergie durable, dans les pays en développement permet entre autres :

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