

Premiere réunion des EnercitEE partenaires de la Haute-Savoie

Le Conseil général de la Haute-Savoie a accueilli le 15 décembre 2010 les 6 partenaires retenus dans le cadre du premier appel à projet EnercitEE, qui a pour but de favoriser l’échange d’expérience au niveau européen. Le CG74 a également décidé de promouvoir l’échange d’expérience au niveau local entre les différents sous-projets.

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Third regional poster exhibition in Saxony

The third regional poster exhibition took place at the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology in Dresden – Pillnitz.

For approximately 5 weeks employees and visitors were welcome to learn more about the aims of the European project “EnercitEE” and how to participate in one of the twelve sub-projects being open for proposals in two calls. Additionally to the roll-ups, information material in form of flyers, English and German, was available.

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Workshop for Saxon Sub-Project Participants

Saxony’s Sub-Project Participants taking part in one of the sub-projects of the 1st Call for Proposals met in Dresden on Friday 26 November 2010. The overall aim of the workshop was to inform the participants about

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Ergebnis der Evaluierung der eingegangenen Anträge

Die erste Ausschreibungsrunde im Rahmen EnercitEEs endete am 24. September 2010. Etwa drei Monate lang konnte interessierte Einrichtungen aus den teilnehmenden Regionen gemeinsam eine Projektidee entwickeln und sich damit für einen der sieben ausgeschriebenen Schwerpunkte bewerben.

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Updated versions of EnercitEE documents are now available

Please note that the Mini-Programme Coordination Office (MPCO) has updated several documents.

The following updated versions can be found under the document section:

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First meeting of SPPs in Haute-Savoie

On the 15th December 2010, the Conseil Général de la Haute-Savoie (CG74) welcomed the 6 partners who take part in one of the 6 sub-projects that were approved in the 1st Call for Proposals within EnercitEE. EnercitEE aims to foster the exchange of experience on Energy Efficiency among European regions. CG74 also decided to promote the exchange of experience on a regional level between the French Sub-Project Participants (SPP).

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Second Call is open!

The 2nd Call for Proposals is open now.
You are welcome to add possible sub-project ideas into the database.
The following sub-projects are open for proposals:

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Results of the sub-project evaluation 1st Call

The EnercitEE partner regions have assessed the seven applications received under the 1st Call for Proposals. A decision was taken on 27 October 2010 at the Working and Steering Group Meeting in Heraklion. The EnercitEE Steering Group decided:

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EnercitEE at the 8th Energy Conservation Days in Wrocław, 3-4 Nov 2010

The aim of the two-day conference was to discuss and popularise the idea of sustainable building in the aspect of energy efficiency, as well as to present the achievements and opportunities concerning energy conservation.

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Working and Steering Group Meeting in Heraklion

From 25th to 27th October 2010 EnercitEE’s Working and Steering Group Meeting took place in Heraklion, Region of Crete.
The aim of the 3-day meeting was mainly to evaluate all sub-project applications received in the 1st Call for Proposals. All together the Mini-Programme Coordination Office received 7 eligible sub-project applications.

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