

EnercitEE – Final Interregional Conference in Brussels

On 25th September 2013 EnercitEE’s final conference took place in the Saxony Liaison Office in Brussels. About 100 guests from DG Energy, the European Parliament, from many regional liaison offices and federations joined the EnercitEE partners, listened to their experiences made, to the good practices presented and discussed the results with them. 

Showing the implementation of EU energy directives into regional policies and practices as well as giving practical implementation examples – these were the main objectives of the final conference organized by the Mini-Programme Coordination Office, the coordinating team of the Saxon Lead Partner.

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Regionale Abschlussbroschüre erhältlich

Die Broschüre fasst die wichtigsten Aktivitäten und Ergebnisse aus den 10 Teilprojekten in Sachsen sowie aus der interregionalen Zusammenarbeit zusammen. Themenschwerpunkte der Arbeit waren energieeffiziente Gebäude, Bewusstseinsbildung und Sensibilisierung, Finanzierungsmodelle und –programme sowie konzeptionelle und planerische Maßnahmen für die Kommunalverwaltung. Viele dieser Ergebnisse sind übertragbar und stehen nun Kommunen, Bürgern und anderen interessierten Akteuren zur Weiternutzung zur Verfügung.


Cover Regionale 

 Die Broschüre steht hier zum Download bereit oder ist kostenfrei als print-Version erhältlich:

Ansprechpartnerin: Anne Schulz, anne.schulz@smul.sachsen.de, Tel.: 0351/2612 5510



Kurzfilm über EnercitEE in Sachsen

Im Rahmen der regionalen Abschlussveranstaltung am 13.06.2013 in Dresden Hellerau gedreht, fasst der Kurzfilm Ziele, Aktivitäten und Ergebnisse von EnercitEE in Sachsen zusammen:





Efficient – Regenerative – Profitable: Smart Concepts and Tools for Municipal Energy Supply

On 18 April 2013 a joint conference of the EU-projects EnercitEE and EmPower has taken place in Leipzig, Saxony. More than 100 participants listened to the presentation of ten innovative technical and strategic solutions.

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3rd Interregional Symposium successfully took place

From 23th to 24th October 2012 EnercitEE Working Group and Steering Group members as well as the Lead Sub-Project Participants from all 11 sub-projects met in Leipzig, Germany.

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Open days in Brussels 8-10 October 2012 – EnercitEE was there!

EnercitEE participated at the Open Days in Brussels, an event dedicated to exchange and networking of European regions. Climate Change and sustainable use of resources are central topic at European level and were well presented at the event. On the one hand many interesting seminars and workshops dealing with this topic could be attended. On the other hand people were also very interested in our activities and eager to get some EnercitEE dissemination material as the Good Practice Guide or project flyers.

It was fantastic to feel the international “European” atmosphere and to meet so many people that are convinced and enthusiastic about the European idea. It was also great to see all the actors, from local, regional, national and European levels that strive ambitiously for reaching the e.g. climate protection targets and for a constant advancement of their ideas. To make it short: a great opportunity to feel the European spirit!



Mayors gathered to share spirit of Växjö

More than 30 mayors from all EnercitEE regions came together in Växjö, Sweden from 30 May to 1 June 2012 to visit several examples of “Europe’s greenest city” and to exchange energy efficiency solutions at the local level.

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How to deal with a passive house?

Living or working in a passive house is a challenging novelty. EEMTE partner city of Leipzig set the passive house as a standard for newly erected and – if economic efficiency is given – for refurnished buildings. Since the use of passive house requires specific knowledge, staff working in these buildings has to be trained to optimize their benefits.

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Saxony´s new energy and climate programme released for hearing

The draft version of Saxony´s first Energy and Climate Programme was released on 25 October for hearing in the Saxon Cabinet. This programme will substitute and combine the former Energy Programme (2004), the Climate Protection Programme (2001) and the Action Plan Energy and Climate (2008).

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Meerane´s students strive for car traffic reduction in their home town

On 22 September 2011 students from Meerane carried out an action day “On foot into the city” to motivate Meerane´s inhabitants and visitors to change their behaviour towards sustainable mobility.

An information booth on the market place addressed the current car traffic situation in the town, its general impact on the environment, related CO2 emissions and possibilities to reduce the negative effects of individual motor car traffic.

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