

How to convince people to leave their habits aside …

How to convince people to leave their habits aside, and abandon the car in favour of alternative modes of transport such as cycling, walking, public transport …? This is the big issue for today’s cities, and especially here, for the SustraMM project partners.

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2. Workshop „Contracting – Best practice examples” was very successful

On 21 May 2012 the second contracting workshop was carried out in Dresden entitled “Energy Saving Performance Contracting (EPC) in practice” within the sub project FIPREC. A total of 32 participants from Saxon municipalities and companies got to know three implemented EPC-Projects and learned how to implement their own challenging contracting projects and how they can address those.

The participants were shown practical opportunities to reduce the long-term energy costs and how they can resolve the refurbishment backlogs (e.g. technical equipment), without the use of financial resources through various energy-saving-performance-contracting options. Speakers presented three successfully implemented contracting projects and explained in detail the achieved savings as well as the efficiency improvements of these applied measures. In Saxony, the model project “Implementation of an energy savings performance contracting at the Theatres of Chemnitz” is currently being implemented.

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Energy efficient Saxony: Ten new initiatives for climate protection

Under this slogan an EnercitEE conference took place on 27 February 2012 in Dresden.
The Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture (SMUL), being the Lead Partner of EnercitEE, invited representatives of local authorities, energy agencies, universities and other interested parties to join the conference in order to not only getting to know new initiatives that deal with energy efficiency and climate protection but also to profit from their activities and results.

Pciture: Mr Kupfer opened the event

Mr Frank Kupfer opened the conference

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PraTLA – Assessing performance and potential is key to success

Many mayors would like to improve the energy efficiency of their city – if convincing solutions were at hand. This is one of the lessons learnt during PraTLA’s 2nd interregional meeting in Annecy on 3 Feb 2012.

PraTLA  has found more than 30 students so far that carry out practical trainings in local authorities helping cities to assess certain aspects of local energy performance or to set up, update and even improve energy strategies. Steffi Hänig a student from Zittau/Görlitz university of Applied Science even assessed local CO2 balancing systems in an interregional comparison when she made an internship at the Energy Agency for South East Sweden in Oskarshamn. The different approaches of Smaland (Kalmar and Kronober)/Blekinge and Saxony that have been identified during her six months training could help to improve both calculations systems in various ways.

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EnercitEE meeting in Annecy/ France

From 31th January to 1st February 2012 EnercitEE‘s Working and Steering Group members met in Annecy, France.

Picture: EnercitEE members

EnercitEE members in Annecy

As it was half time of EnercitEE, the Working Group firstly looked back on the milestones already reached within the project:

  • a strengthened partnership of 5 European regions;
  • 6 Working Group and 4 Steering Group Meetings in Dresden, Wroclaw, Heraklion, Växjö, Annecy and Bologna;
  • a corporate design, website, blog, joint European flyers, regional flyers, EnercitEE roll ups, 4 newsletters, etc;
  • 1st Component Seminar in Växjö on “EE heat and power generation and distribution”;
  • 1 Good Practice Guide on Energy Efficiency Excellence from EnercitEE regions;
  • 1 Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw on new instruments for local energy planning and implementation and
  • 11 approved sub-projects.

The Working Group further discussed the structure and timeline of the upcoming Policy maker exchange in Växjö taking place from 31st May to 1st June 2012 and the 3rd Component Seminar scheduled for October 2012 in Leipzig.

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FIPREC’s kick-off meeting in Porretta Terme

The FIPREC sub-project started in Porretta Terme, 25th-27th October 2011 at CISA (Innovation Center Environmental Sustainability) headquarters where the LSPP welcomed the 2 partners who take part in one of the five sub-projects that were approved in the 2nd Call for Proposals within EnercitEE.

Impression from the kick-off meeting

Each participant (CISA, Saxon Energy Agency – SAENA GmbH and District of Olawa) shortly presented itself and the projects already carried out. Many subjects were discussed, all of them listed on a meeting agenda agreed in advance, dealing especially with the overall objective of FIPREC which is to contribute to solving the applicative problems in public-private partnership and project financing, which have arisen in the energy sector interventions, especially where the financial return require a long time.



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Sustainable transport: how to do it? 12 good examples

Exchange of experience within SustraMM – Sustainable transports for managing mobility – one of the six approved sub-projects from EnercitEE’s 1st call

The exchange of experience on implemented mobility management measures between participating regions was carried out by SustraMM sub-project participants who collected and presented good practice examples. The good practices presented cover a wide range of topics, such as programs encouraging car commuters to use public transport, the support of bicycle traffic, mobility management measures implemented by companies, and training and outreach programs.

Photo provided by Blekingetrafiken

Several mobility measures with the objective to encourage car commuters to use public transport were presented. In particular, the City of Cluses, France, is reorganizing four bus lines and offering free ridership in order to attract new commuters and to motivate higher usage of public transport. Furthermore, in Sweden, the Blekingetrafiken (public transport provider) offers free ridership during the first one to two months of usage to all car drivers that are willing to use public transport instead of driving to work. Additionally, educational and outreach activities are seen in programs such as The Blekinge Trip, in Sweden. The program is focusing on “the travellers of tomorrow” (i.e. 12-year-olds) by providing hands-on-experience on how to effectively use different means of public transportation and get to the desired destination. Students, traveling in small groups of four to seven people, typically plan a day trip by using buses and/or trains and afterwards they present their trip report in school.

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Zweites SustraMM-Projekttreffen zu nachhaltigen Lösungen im Bereich Mobilitätsmanagement

Französische, deutsche und schwedische Partner trafen sich am 30. und 31. August 2011 zum zweiten Projektreffen in Cluses, in Haute-Savoie/Frankreich.

Die Stadt Pirna und die TU Dresden berichteten von ihren veranstalteten Workshops und Untersuchungen zum City-Bus Pirna, der schon in wenigen Monaten seinen Test-Betrieb aufnehmen soll. Energiekontor Südostschweden entwickelte eine Fahrrad-Kampagne und führte ein Seminar zur Bedeutung des Fahrradverkehrs durch. Die Stadt Cluses präsentierte die Arbeitsergebnisse zum innerstädtischen Busnetz, dem städtischen Musikfestival, einem Fahrzeugpool für die Verwaltung sowie einer Plattform für umweltfreundliche Mobilität. Außerdem gab es eine Exkursion zu den Fahrradwegen (Green Lanes) in Cluses.

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RIEEB partners will meet in Sweden

This week partners from Sweden, Germany, Poland and France will meet in the South of Sweden to discuss how far we have come in the RIEEB-project. The main item on the agenda is the validation tool that each country uses to confirm that calculated energy targets are met in real-life.

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Successful second interregional meeting for SustraMM in Cluses, France

SustraMM – Sustainable transports for managing mobility – is the one of the six approved sub-projects from EnercitEE’s 1st call. French, German and Swedish partners met for the second time in Cluses, in Haute-Savoie, France on 30-31st of August.

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