

Success for EE saving brochure developed in the LEEAN project

To support municipal staff, staff of housing associations and local energy and climate advisors in their work in counselling e.g. tenants is one of the overall objectives in the LEEAN project. The Energy Agency of South East Sweden has in cooperation with staff of housing associations and local energy and climate advisors developed an EE brochure that follows the topic and specific need specified by the parties involved.

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CLIPART is delivering

At the end of 2011 the Initial CLIPART Report was ready, basically in the form of a wiki web site (clipartwiki.wikispaces.com).

An edited and more readable version of the ICR is due within June 2012, in the form a pdf file downloadable from the EnercitEE CLIPART web page www.enercitee.eu/CLIPART. By the end of 2012 also the Final Report (the CLIPART Handbook, as we dub it) will be ready. The present draft is already more than 100 pages, and a first “editing tour” just started, so that a final draft will be ready early next autumn. The Handbook will be available in English but also in at least four other European languages (i.e. Italian, German, French and Polish) to enhance its circulation in the countries of the CLIPART partners and possibly others.
But what are these reports about? The ICR contains a collection of 51 examples of existing know-how and best practices about climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives and/or energy and environmental policies from the five project partners at their level of governance (regions and/or local authorities).

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GRACE – Analysis of funding programmes for citizens and communities

In Germany and especially in Saxony there are many funding programmes which support the energy efficiency of citizens and communities. Within the EnercitEE sub-project GRACE three funding programmes will be analysed in detail. The aim is to find out the effect of the programmes in that way that we are able to make a statement how many CO2 emissions respectively energy is saved with 1 € out of the funding programme.

One of the selected programmes is the Saxon Passive house programme. It is part of the Saxon Energy and Climate Protection Programme. The Passive house programme supports builders of passive houses with a grant of 100 €/m² based on the energy reference area. For refurbishment of buildings with passive house components the beneficiaries get a grant of 130 €/m² energy reference area. Both grants are non repayable. In Saxony the Passive house programme was used by 136 beneficiaries since 2007. In comparison with the standard EnEV building the passive house saves much more energy. The EnEV house is a standard in Germany. All builders of new houses have to follow this regulation. An amendment of this standard is planned for 2012, which means stricter rules for future homeowners. In the diagram below, there is a comparison between an EnEV house of 2009 and a passive house with 150 m² each. In addition it is assumed that the rate of energy price increase has a level of 5 % per year. All in all the beneficiary saves more than 20,000 € until year 30 after building and nearly 90,000 € until year 50 after building the passive house in that scenario.

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Local award ceremony of E-FoxES at Prioriterre, Meythet, France

On May 31st, the award ceremony of E-FoxES took place at Prioriterre in Meythet. About 60 people coming from four junior high schools all over the department of Haute-Savoie participated, and they were all welcomed by a politician of Conseil General of Haute Savoie. Each of the four schools presented the actions they implemented during the challenge in 15 minutes. Some did it in the form of sketches, others brought the thermography results they did in their building.

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How to convince people to leave their habits aside …

How to convince people to leave their habits aside, and abandon the car in favour of alternative modes of transport such as cycling, walking, public transport …? This is the big issue for today’s cities, and especially here, for the SustraMM project partners.

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2. Workshop „Contracting – Best practice examples” was very successful

On 21 May 2012 the second contracting workshop was carried out in Dresden entitled “Energy Saving Performance Contracting (EPC) in practice” within the sub project FIPREC. A total of 32 participants from Saxon municipalities and companies got to know three implemented EPC-Projects and learned how to implement their own challenging contracting projects and how they can address those.

The participants were shown practical opportunities to reduce the long-term energy costs and how they can resolve the refurbishment backlogs (e.g. technical equipment), without the use of financial resources through various energy-saving-performance-contracting options. Speakers presented three successfully implemented contracting projects and explained in detail the achieved savings as well as the efficiency improvements of these applied measures. In Saxony, the model project “Implementation of an energy savings performance contracting at the Theatres of Chemnitz” is currently being implemented.

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The exchange of students’ experiences between regions is the central focus of PraTLA’s final stage

PraTLA is a sub-project on practical training of students and local energy experts in local authorities. It helps to open doors: students get a first insight into local administrational structures and local authorities learn to better tap certain potential and setting up of strategies using students as energy experts for these tasks.

The Sub-Project will end at 31st October 2012. Since the beginning of 2011 until now, approximately 58 trainings in 4 different countries have been carried out or are currently completing in municipal institutions.

For Lower Silesia, this time period was the core activity part of the project since all practical trainings were carried out in a period of three months. In this region there are only very few local energy strategies available. So, the students focused on helping the local authorities to set up an initial strategy on energy efficiency measures identifying some key areas. Seven papers on local strategies have been prepared under PraTLA in the region. In Haute-Savoie, smaller groups of students have assessed local EE activities in some smaller municipalities in the region and identified first improvement potential in this area which will be in some cases anchored in concrete measures that are being set up. In Saxony, students assessed concrete areas of intervention in local authorities or public institutions and performed feasibility studies on the improvement of heating systems or energy-efficient potential in the refurbishment of public buildings.

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Mayors gathered to share spirit of Växjö

More than 30 mayors from all EnercitEE regions came together in Växjö, Sweden from 30 May to 1 June 2012 to visit several examples of “Europe’s greenest city” and to exchange energy efficiency solutions at the local level.

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Students are helping Trixi for saving

Grandaunts are looking for possibilities for saving energy for Großschönau bath. Also other municipalities put on such helping.

Yvonne Geldner and Alexander Rewerk are studying industrial engineering with the specialization of energy management and energy technology at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/ Görlitz. Currently, they are writing their diploma thesis and are working on a topic for “Trixipark Großschönau GmbH” (a holyday park with an adventure pool). Already in their semester before they did work on a topic for this municipal institution.

Extract of the press release: in “Sächsische Zeitung” (Newspaper from Saxony); April 2012

German press release: Yvonne Geldner and Alexander Rewerk are currently completing their practical training in collaboration with a municipal institution in Großschönau

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Instead of cooking coffee, Anton Zimmermann is helping the municipality of Kodersdorf to save money (and energy)

Anton Zimmermann is studying energy- and environmental technologies at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/ Görlitz and completes their 5-month practical training at the municipality of Kodersdorf.

Extract of the press release: in Sächsische Zeitung (Newspaper from Saxony); 6th March 2012

German press release: Anton Zimmermann completed their practical training in the municipality Kodersdorf 

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