

Kick-off meeting of CLIPART in Bologna

The CLIPART sub-project held its first meeting in Bologna, January 27 and 28, 2011, at Arpa-Simc headquarters. Partners from SAENA, Germany, and Air-Aps, France, were present but also partners from REAC, Greece and Jelenia Gora, Poland could attend at least partially the meeting by videoconference.

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Kick-off meeting for SUSTRAMM in Karlskrona, Sweden on 8-9th February

SUSTRAMM – Sustainable transports for managing mobility- is the one of the six approved projects from EnercitEE’s 1st call. French, German and Swedish partners met at the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden in Karlskrona on February 8th and 9th in order to launch SUSTRAMM project and start working with sustainable mobility. The focus is on the exchange of experience between and within all three regions. Collaboration started at once with many Mobility Management issues discussed and will lead to fruitful cooperation.

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SUSTRAMM et Agenda 21 local à Cluses: la mobilité durable au œur des projets du territoire

La Ville de Cluses s’est engagée fin 2010 avec l’appui du Conseil général de Haute-Savoie dans le projet européen EnercitEE qui vise une meilleure efficacité énergétique dans les villes européennes.

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PraTLA launched its kick-off meeting

PraTLA – Practical Training in Local Authorities is the second out of six approved sub-projects from EnercitEE’s 1st Call that launched its kick-off meeting in the Saxon Liaison Office in Brussels on 7-8 February 2011.
The sub-project matches energy efficiency needs of local authorities with know-how from students which is transferred into administration by means of practical trainings. The sub-project expects to involve more than 30 students and 50 local authorities in five regions in the project lifetime.

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SUSTRAMM kick-off in Karskrona

Picture: SUSTRAMM logo

SUSTRAMM – Sustainable transports for Managing Mobility

Inom ramen för projekten Mobilitetskontoret i Blekinge, Kalmar respektive Kronobergs län drivs ett tvåårigt europeiskt projekt som siktar till att genomföra Mobility Management (dvs. påverka transportbeteende) oftare och på ett bättre sätt. SUSTRAMM innebär bättre erfarenhets–utbyte, förbättringar av regionala transportstrategier, utbildningar inom Mobility Management samt ett pilotcykelprojekt.

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Emilia-Romagna’ Presentation of the 2nd EnercitEE call

The 17th December in the Regional Energy House the 2nd call for proposals has been presented. This event has been realized within the framework of the initiative “Energy: towards the energy programme 2011-2013” started in October 2010 which opened several energy discussion floors for collecting contributions and suggestions for the preparation of new energy programme 2011-2013.

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Ergebnis der Evaluierung der eingegangenen Anträge

Die erste Ausschreibungsrunde im Rahmen EnercitEEs endete am 24. September 2010. Etwa drei Monate lang konnte interessierte Einrichtungen aus den teilnehmenden Regionen gemeinsam eine Projektidee entwickeln und sich damit für einen der sieben ausgeschriebenen Schwerpunkte bewerben.

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Second Call is open!

The 2nd Call for Proposals is open now.
You are welcome to add possible sub-project ideas into the database.
The following sub-projects are open for proposals:

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Results of the sub-project evaluation 1st Call

The EnercitEE partner regions have assessed the seven applications received under the 1st Call for Proposals. A decision was taken on 27 October 2010 at the Working and Steering Group Meeting in Heraklion. The EnercitEE Steering Group decided:

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Working and Steering Group Meeting in Heraklion

From 25th to 27th October 2010 EnercitEE’s Working and Steering Group Meeting took place in Heraklion, Region of Crete.
The aim of the 3-day meeting was mainly to evaluate all sub-project applications received in the 1st Call for Proposals. All together the Mini-Programme Coordination Office received 7 eligible sub-project applications.

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