

Regionale Abschlussveranstaltung „Sachsen trifft Europa: Innovative Ergebnisse für mehr Energieeffizienz in Kommunen und bei den Bürgern

Das europäische Energieeffizienzprojekt EnercitEE zieht Bilanz nach mehr als dreijähriger erfolgreicher Arbeit. Bei einer regionalen Abschlussveranstaltung am 13.06.2013 in Dresden Hellerau wurden viele innovative Lösungen und Instrumente aus den 10 Teilprojekten präsentiert.

SM Kupfer

Themenschwerpunkte waren dabei energieeffiziente Gebäude, Bewusstseinsbildung und Sensibilisierung, Finanzierungsmodelle und –programme sowie konzeptionelle und planerische Maßnahmen für die Kommunalverwaltung. Viele dieser Ergebnisse sind übertragbar und stehen nun Kommunen, Bürgern und anderen interessierten Akteuren zur Weiternutzung zur Verfügung.

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Policy maker exchange – mayors from the EnercitEE partner regions will travel to Växjö, Sweden

From 30 May to 01 June 2012 the city of Växjö in Smaland, Sweden welcomes interested mayors from the different EnercitEE partner regions to provide an inside into its climate protection and energy policy and its vision to become a fossil fuel free city until 2030. The city of Växjö has been called “the greenest city of Europe” by many journalists, a recognition for its visionary sustainability strategy. 

During the 2 day meeting the mayors will learn why and how Växjö’s vision could have been and will be implemented that successfully. Furthermore they will be presented exemplary energy efficiency measures and solutions in the fields of transport, heat/cooling generation and – distribution, public participation and future strategies that have already been carried out by the city, such as:

Cycle lanes/ boxes
Most CO2 emissions arise in the transport sector. That is why the city fosters the  use of bicycles. A map illustrates the 150 km of cycle paths.

Free parking – for biogas, REM, DME, electrical and hybrid cars
This is an incentive to encourage people to use environmentally friendlier cars.

Bus station – biogas bus
The buses in Växjö are run with biogas produced in the sewage treatment plant in Växjö. 

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16 Saxon mayors will learn from Växjö – the city with the visionary climate protection and energy policy

Within the framework of EnercitEE a study trip to Växjö, Sweden will be organised from 30 May to 01 June 2012. The city of Växjö represents a shining example for climate protection with focus on energy efficiency and use of regional biomass. 

From 01 December 2011 to 25 January 2012 mayors throughout Saxony were welcome to apply for taking part in the study trip. Therefore mayors of the Saxon municipalities needed to describe implemented or planned measures regarding future energy supply in the municipality as well as his/her expectations on and motivation for participating in the study trip. Out of the 27 received applications the jury consisting of representatives of the Saxon State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology, the Saxon State Ministry of the Environment and Agriculture and Saxon Energy Agency (SAENA GmbH), selected 16 mayors that will go to Växjö.

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Energy efficient Saxony: Ten new initiatives for climate protection

Under this slogan an EnercitEE conference took place on 27 February 2012 in Dresden.
The Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture (SMUL), being the Lead Partner of EnercitEE, invited representatives of local authorities, energy agencies, universities and other interested parties to join the conference in order to not only getting to know new initiatives that deal with energy efficiency and climate protection but also to profit from their activities and results.

Pciture: Mr Kupfer opened the event

Mr Frank Kupfer opened the conference

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Energiesparfüchse gesucht

Auftakt für die vierte Ausgabe des Bautzener Energiesparwettbewerbes
[youtube gCQDaZWeFxQ]



EnercitEE Good Practice Guide is now available.

We are happy to inform you that our EnercitEE Good Practice Guide is now available.

The Good Practice Guide is one important result of the interregional exchange of experience. In this brochure outstanding good practice examples from the EnercitEE partner regions in the specific areas of competence such as buildings, heat/power generation and distribution, transport, innovation and technology, and communication and motivation are presented.

The English as well as German version can be downloaded from the document section.

In case you wish to receive copies of our Good Practice Guide in English or German please contact the Mini-Programme Coordination Office via email at info@enercitee.eu.



Pressemitteilung vom 09.12.2011

Heizen mit Abwasser

Sammlung guter Praxisbeispiele zur Energieeffizienz jetzt als kostenfreie Broschüre erhältlich

Ein im Abwasserkanal installierter Wärmetauscher liefert zusammen mit einer Wärmepumpe die Heizenergie für über 1500 Quadratmeter Gebäudefläche. Selbst bei Wintertemperaturen von minus 16 Grad Celsius ist das System in der Lage, eine zuverlässige Wärmeversorgung sicherzustellen und ersetzt fast vollständig den mit Heizöl betriebenen klimaschädlichen Dampfkessel.

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Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw / Poland

From 26 to 27 October 2011 energy experts from the regions Saxony, Smaland, Emilia-Romagna, Haute-Savoie and Lower Silesia met in Wroclaw, Poland.

Picture: Experts and EnercitEE members

The overall aim of the seminar was to exchange experience on various quality managements systems, control tools and existing energy planning instruments and policies between the regions and to discuss their pros and cons.

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EnercitEE meeting in Bologna / Italy

From 29 to 30 September 2011 the EnercitEE Working and Steering Group members met in Bologna, Italy.

The Working Group members discussed organisational issues for the upcoming Policy Advice Seminar in Wroclaw (scheduled for end of October 2011) and the Policy Maker Exchange in Växjö, Sweden (planned for June 2012). As a highlight of the meeting the prefinal printed version of the Good Practice Guide (GPG) in English which should be published soon was handed out to the group. Furthermore, the Regional Managers presented the progress and activities of the EnercitEE sub-projects.

In the afternoon of the first day of the meeting the Steering Group members discussed latest regional policies and future challenges in the different regions.

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Dresden’s contributions to the European Mobility Week

From 16 to 22 September 2011 the European Mobility Week will take place and among many European cities the city of Dresden plans various activities to foster sustainable, energy-efficient and low-emission mobility.

As president of POLIS, a network of European cities and regions working together to deploy innovative technologies and policies for a more sustainable mobility the city of Dresden is pleased to support the European Mobility Week.

Highlights of the European Mobility Week in Dresden will be the campaign “Cycling City” and the Mobility Day taking place in Dresden’s World Trade Centre (WTC):

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