
Meerane´s students strive for car traffic reduction in their home town

On 22 September 2011 students from Meerane carried out an action day “On foot into the city” to motivate Meerane´s inhabitants and visitors to change their behaviour towards sustainable mobility.

An information booth on the market place addressed the current car traffic situation in the town, its general impact on the environment, related CO2 emissions and possibilities to reduce the negative effects of individual motor car traffic.

Additionally, the students took the opportunity to inform the public about Meerane´s energy saving contests within the sub-project SCC – “The sustainable climate challenge” and student’s actions. Almost 1000 project flyers could be distributed to pedestrians and laid out in many nearby stores.

It was encouraging that store owners and pedestrians sympathized very much with student’s ideas and ambitious actions. Both target groups felt even more addressed since these topics were presented with a direct link to their own town. Many interesting conversations were hold, questions discussed and – according to people’s feedback – citizens motivated to think about their own possibilities to contribute to a more liveable environment by changing their way of mobility. A great success for Meerane´s students!

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