
Emilia-Romagna’ Presentation of the 2nd EnercitEE call

The 17th December in the Regional Energy House the 2nd call for proposals has been presented. This event has been realized within the framework of the initiative “Energy: towards the energy programme 2011-2013” started in October 2010 which opened several energy discussion floors for collecting contributions and suggestions for the preparation of new energy programme 2011-2013.

Green economy, energy certification, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency have been some of the themes discussed during several round tables and seminars held during these months in this “Energy House laboratory”.

Mr. Raimondi

“We urgently need good examples and best practices for promoting energy efficiency especially in this a difficult field where the economic advantages are not so evident and it is required a day to day change of behaviors. In this context we firmly believe that EnercitEE and the sub-projects could give an important contribution for the improvement of the regional policies and the development of the new energy programme 2011-2013” said Eng. Attilio Raimondi responsible for the Energy Policy Dept.

The recent awarded sub-project participants of the project LEEAN, SCC and CLIPART briefly presented the projects and gave suggestions on how to write a successful application.

The technical detail on the 2nd call for proposals (how presenting a proposal, how finding a partner, eligible applicants, evaluation procedure, administrative rules, funding scheme etc.) have been also presented. Interested applicants are invited to present their idea to EnercitEE regional managers as soon as possible.

II Call Presentation - Emilia-Romagna 17th December

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