
Kick-off-meeting of the EnercitEE sub-project GRACE

The kick-off-meeting of the sub-project GRACE was held from 12th to 13th July 2011 in Bautzen.

GRACE kick-off-meeting on 12th July 2011 in Bautzen

Sub-project partners from the Italian region Emilia- Romagna and from Lower Silesia, Poland participated in the 1st GRACE meeting. The kick-off-meeting was opened by the welcome address from Christina Mante from the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology. She introduced EnercitEE and explained the structure and objectives of this INTERREG IVC project.

All sub-project partners presented their institution. Bautzen Innovation Centre (LSPP) was presented by Jürgen Besold. Cezary Lejkowski (SPP 2) explained the work of Wrocław Research Centre EIT+ Ltd in Lower Silesia. Marcello Antinucci (SPP3) introduced the Energy and Sustainable Development Agency of Modena (AESS) in Emily Romagna. Julia Culver from the Italian Economic Research Institute Nomisma in Bologna explained the foreseen project methodology. All sub-project partners are requested to give a short overview of existing national and regional incentives and grant programs concerning energy efficiency for municipalities and citizens.

GRACE kick-off-meeting on 12th July 2011 in Bautzen

On the second day of the meeting the GRACE partnership attended the Energy and Climate Conference of the district of Bautzen. Examples of good practise were presented and discussed by more than 100 participants. The next GRACE meeting will be held in spring 2012 in Emilia-Romagna.

Opening of the Energy and Climate Conference of the district of Bautzen on 13th July 2011 by the district president Michael Harig

Energy and Climate Conference of the district of Bautzen on 13th July 2011

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