
EnercitEE poster series revised: New posters inform now about EnercitEE and all 11 sub-projects

After 2 years of EnercitEE the poster series of the project underwent a comprehensive revision. After running successfully two open calls for proposals EnercitEE is now financially supporting eleven sub-projects. Through the exchange of experience and joint as well as regional activities the sub-projects will improve local and regional Energy Efficiency policies for citizens and local authorities. Now several posters show the important role of the sub-projects within EnercitEE and present their aims, contents and planned outcomes.

The poster series was produced in English and will be translated into the 5 partners’ languages and exhibited throughout Europe at regional events, the partners’ and sub-project partners’ main offices, relevant ministries, energy agencies, etc.

The “Bautzen Innovation Centre” as Lead Partner of the sub-projects E-Foxes and GRACE was the first host to the revised German poster exhibition of EnercitEE in Saxony. During the month of July 2012 employees and visitors of their facilities in Bautzen and Rossendorf had the chance to be informed on the project’s aims, energy efficiency policy of the partner regions and the sub-projects.

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