
Crete’s kick-off and information Meeting

The Region of Crete started officially the “EnercitEE” project in Crete by a successful kick-off and information meeting about the 1st call for sub-projects. The meeting took place at the Conference Room of the Region of Crete in Heraklion on Tuesday 6 July 2010. The aims of the meetings were, on the one hand, to inform about the structure, the targets and the activities of the whole “Enercitee” project and on the other hand to specify the priorities of the 1st call for proposals for the related sub-projects.

Many public organizations (Municipalities, Universities, Technological Institutes, Research Centers, Regional Authorities and Development Agencies) have participated in the meeting. After the presentations the interested bodies expressed their views, exchanged ideas and expressed their priorities vis-a-vis to the whole project “EnercitEE”, as well as, for the 1st call for subp-roject proposals. The challenges and the opportunities offered at regional and local level have been also examined. The Region of Crete expressed its will to support and guide the potential Cretan partners for active participation into the sub-project proposals. The general impression from the meeting was very positive, as well as, the prospects for the participation to the 1st call for proposals for the “EnercitEE” sub-projects. The Region of Crete expects that this meeting will be a successful starting point for the efficient “EnercitEE” implementation in Crete.

Kick-off EnercitEE Crete

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