
Instead of cooking coffee, Anton Zimmermann is helping the municipality of Kodersdorf to save money (and energy)

Anton Zimmermann is studying energy- and environmental technologies at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/ Görlitz and completes their 5-month practical training at the municipality of Kodersdorf.

Extract of the press release: in Sächsische Zeitung (Newspaper from Saxony); 6th March 2012

German press release: Anton Zimmermann completed their practical training in the municipality Kodersdorf 

He was the first trainee in the local authority. Instead of cooking coffee, he is useful for the local authority. “I am helping in identification and analyzing of relevant energy efficient measures.” says Anton Zimmermann. In detail he is analyzing the heating system and insulation of the local authority as well as of the kinder garden. His practical thesis also included optimization proposals of these buildings.

Base on the blueprints of both buildings, he made an inventory and optimizing proposals. In the kinder garden there have to be a wood-panelling next to heating units to protect the kids, but 60% of the heat will be retained within the wood-panelling. Without this wood-panel or with another solution the kindergarten would be able to reduce the heading load from 59.700 kW/h to 49.000 kW/h and therefore, save around 27.000€ per year. In addition to his thesis, he did a comparative calculation for street lightning based on LED. Also in this issue the municipality could save money, if they would implement it.

He was to be known all over the municipal institution and his work was appreciated. “Experiences have shown that the local authorities have no personal capacity for projects to improve energy efficiency in the municipality.” says Holger Freymann, the manager of administrative district. By using students this “knowledge gap” would be closed. […]

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