
CLIMATE ADAPTATION – Information to politicians and municipal officials

On the 1st of September the municipality of Växjö (Sweden) held a meeting addressed to politicians and municipal officials (staff) about climate adaptation. The politicians and staff that attended the meeting showed a diversity of experience and knowledge, since they represented different administrations within the municipality. About 40 persons attended and most of them held management positions within their administration.

The meeting was the “starting point” of the climate adaptation work in the municipality of Växjö. The intention of the meeting was to inform about regional climate changes and how we plan to work with the adaptation plan/process, as well as to inform about the CLIPART-project that we participate in.

Checklist: Good to have at home

The County Administrative Board (CAB) was invited to inform more about climate changes and the effects of climate change. At the request of CAB, the Swedish metrological and hydrological institute (SMHI) has performed a regional analysis of climate changes and the overall results of that analysis was presented at the information meeting.

A workshop, where all participants vividly discussed the effects of climate changes in the different municipal functions, ended the meeting.



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