An introduction to Smaland (Kalmar and Kronoberg)/Blekinge

The southeast of Sweden includes the three counties of Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronoberg. Within the region there are several ambitious energy objectives and policies at both the regional and local levels.

picture: introduction Smaland

Both the County of Kalmar and the County of Kronoberg have adopted climate strategies. The counties of Kalmar and Kronoberg (southeast Sweden) have set themselves the target of being fossil-fuel-free regions by 2030/2050. The counties have implemented the strategies in close collaboration with ESS (climate and energy strategies). The County of Blekinge is on its way towards implementing a similar document.

A high proportion of renewable energy is already used for energy purposes in the counties in comparison to other regions (65%; the EU target is 20%). The knowledge acquired and experiences that have already been gained in the region can be transferred to project partners and other regions.

The Energy Agency for southeast Sweden plays an important role in the region. The company is jointly owned by an association, in which regional councils, counties and municipalities in Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronoberg are members. The Energy Agency's mission is to provide timely, objective and impartial information and knowledge about energy and transport issues.

The Energy Agency is working to initiate, coordinate and implement projects aimed at improving the energy efficiency and increased supply of renewable energy in all sectors of society. The agency works strategically and systematically to link the projects with the projects of the European and international market at the local and regional level.