Upcoming: 7th of November 2013
Swedish final event in Karlskrona

The theme will be Climate change and local actions.


Midterm event in Kalmar

The mid-term event was held in Kalmar 15th of November. The target group was regional politicians and officials and 133 persons participated in the event. It was co-organised with several other projects and consisted of joint blocks and seminars where the participants could choose the subject.

EnercitEE arranged one presentation in plenum with an external expert, Jenny Rickardson, a psychologist that talked about what makes people change behavior and what makes us feel good. One seminar had the theme Energy efficiency by behavioral change where Per Wallin, Växjö presented from the EnercitEE sub-project SCC. There was one seminar about cost efficient refurbishment of buildings where David Gillanders, Ronneby presented results from the RIEEB EnercitEE sub-project. One seminar was about strategies for regional cooperation between the three climate commissions, which lead to further discussions and development of a joint project.

There were several Tweets from the Mid-term event, the participants were asked to use the hash tag #ETingSO. One poster exhibition was arranged during the mid-term event, displaying implementation of EPBD in the different regions, taken from the component seminar in Leipzig.


Kick-off event in Smaland

In Småland och Blekinge, there were 3 regional kick-off days open for local and regional actors within the region.

ESS informed about Interreg IV and EnercitEE and presented the project idea, objectives and aims. Furthermore, ESS discussed with participants possibilities and options for different subprojects during the information meeting.

The first information meeting was held in the County of Kronoberg on the 10th June 2010. 11 Participants attended the meeting. The second information meeting was held on the 22nd June 2010 in Karlskrona, County of Blekinge. 13 participants attended the meeting. The third information meeting was held the 23rd June 2010. 29 participants attended the meeting.