EnergyEfficiency : Conseil Général of Haute-Savoie get EnercitEE sub-projects’ partners together

As Regional Manager for Haute-Savoie, Conseil Général de la Haute-Savoie organised on the 30th November 2011 the mid-term event, gathering all the local Sub-Project Participants (SPP). It took place in the Conservatoire d’Art et d’Histoire and media were invited for a press conference.
This meeting was welcomed by the Conseil Général Président, Christian Monteil and by Pascal Bel. The aim was to receive an feedback on the state of the art of the different projects. It enabled the SPP to talk together and exchange their experiences not only on their own project but also on the European project management.
EnercitEE is a very important project for Conseil Général Haute-Savoie. Through this project CG HSA wishes to amplify its « Envrionnemental excellence » policy and its Climate Plan (launched in 2008). Seven elected representants from Conseil General were attending the event.
Each SPP presented their interim results and outputs:
  • Prioriterre presented the training tools and documentation produced in the frame of LEEAN, the workshops organised in the frame of SCC and the implementation of local suppliers network, the energy saving school competition and the manual and website to come as well as the training tools for eco-event.
  • Moutain Riders presented their communication and raising awareness tools specifically dedicated to ski resorts.
  • Cluses city presented the raising awareness activities regarding the new public transport line and soft mobility modes in the city, as well as the eco-event training for the staff and their event "Musique en Stock".
  • CAUE evaluated and followed up energy consumption of public buildings. CAUE also supported 24 students in the evaluation of energy consumption of several local authorities and recommandation.
  • Finally, Air-APS presented the GES diagnoses implemented on the territory, which will help the Conseil Général Climate Plan implementation.
It was a great success. SPPs were very happy to be able to get to know the different projects and to also exchange on possible difficulties with European reporting and administrative demands. Experiences and advises were exchanged also between the Regional Manager, the SPPs and the 7 elected representants that were also assisting to this midterm event.

Kick-off meeting in Annecy

On the 8th of June 2010, the Conseil General of Haute-Savoie has organised the regional kick-off meeting in its High Environmental Quality Building in Annecy. The president of Environment Commission has welcomed the 35 representatives from municipalities, universities, public services, associations and energy agencies who have participated in this event as well as local TV and press media that covered EnercitEE.
The organisers of the event aimed at informing about the project itself, presenting the sub- projects thematic of the up-coming first call for proposal and attracting possible applicants. After the presentations, a round table animated by the Conseil General took place to exchange ideas about possible proposition and in which sub-project it could fit. The challenges and opportunities have been discussed and further information provided about the obligations of a Sub-Project Participant. Some complementary meetings have already taken place with the interested potential participants to precise their ideas.