EnercitEE's Good Practice Guide

Experience exchange is at the heart of EnercitEE. With the publication of the Good Practice Guide, an important milestone in the phase of interregional exchange among the EnercitEE partner regions has been reached.

In this brochure, prominent areas of energy efficiency potential, such as buildings, heat/power generation and distribution, transport, innovation and technology, and communication and motivation are presented. In many cases, the areas interlink with each other. This highlights the need for an integrated planning approach in energy efficiency; such an approach would make a significant contribution to a sustainable European energy strategy.

Together with the activities within the
sub-projects, the good practice examples presented in the Good Practice Guide
should help to improve regional and local energy efficiency policies and should spur animated discussions and exchange, within the partner consortium and beyond. Hopefully, some of the ideas will be transferred between regions and many
new good practices will be evolved out
of this exchange.


Documents for download (PDF-files)

Good Practice Guide - complete document (English)
Good Practice Guide - komplettes Dokument (Deutsch)
Good Practice Guide - document complete (Francais)
Good Practice Guide - complete document (Polish)
Good Practice Guide - complete document (Italian)


Good Practice Guide - Chapter 1: Buildings

Energy-efficient house in Smolec

The energy demand for passive buildings amounts to around 15 kWh/m²/year. Its architecture is similar to the traditional architec-
ture of the region. The house is rectangular in shape, with a pitched roof.

Good Practice Guide - Chapter 2: Heat

VEAB: The Sandvik plant 

Växjö Energi AB is the main supplier of heat, electricity and cooling in the county of Krono-
berg. Their plant in Växjö, the Sandvik plant, is a facility that supplies district heating, cogenerated electricity and district cooling to the consumer grid.


Good Practice Guide - Chapter 3: Transport

Hydrogene and methane blend for public transport

... to increase citizens’ awareness
in relation to climate change and air quality topics by exploiting the demonstrative potential of the
prototype vehicle, fuelled by hydro-methane, circulating on urban roads.

Good Practice Guide - Chapter 4: Technologies and innovation

Bioextrusion to make biogas production more efficient

In Saxony, the medium-sized company
Lehmann Maschinenbau GmbH has
developed a technology to increase
biogas yield in biogas plants and to
allow the use of straw, grass, materials
for landscape conservation (mulches),
dung and other materials for the pro-
duction of biogas that could not, or to
a very limited extend, be used for biogas production until now.                                              

Good Practice Guide - Chapter 5: Communication and motivation

The "Ambassadors de l'énergy" concept

In 1999, the Haute-Savoie Energy Advice Centre (EAC) created the Ambassadeurs de l’énergie” (Energy Ambassadors) concept, where energy advisers tackled energy poverty topics directly with the social services. The “guide fourmi” (Ant’s guide) was made specifically for social workers.