Selection procedure

Each sub-project application was subject to a two-step selection procedure.

1st step: Checking eligibility criteria

Each incoming proposal was checked if it fulfilled technical requirements like:

• due time of submission
• paper and electronic version identical
• proof of sending provided
• all required annexes attached
• sub-project supported by partners from at least three regions

If applications did not fulfil all eligibility criteria, the Lead Sub-Project Participant received a notification letter specifying the reasons for failing.

Only in case sub-projects satisfied the eligibility criteria, they were subject to the 

2nd step: Quality assessment

Based on a scoring system 5 (excellent) to 0 (knock-out criterion), scores were attributed to the following criteria:

• Relevance of the proposal
• Coherence of the proposal and quality of approach
• Quality of results
• Quality of management
• Quality of partnership
• Budget and finance

The average score of each sub-project application was used to compile a ranking list of all eligible sub-projects. The Steering Group made final decisions on eligible projects.

Lead Sub-Projects-Participants of the approved projects received a letter from the Mini-Programme Coordination Office stating the decision as well as the total funds approved.

More information can be found in the EnercitEE Manual.