Why to be careful when including light pilot actions in your sub-project proposal?

In any case, the notion of ‘pilot action’ has to be tackled with a lot of care within INTERREG IVC for the three following reasons:

• INTERREG IVC is primarily dedicated to the exchange of experience at policy level. Pilot actions have therefore to be limited in IVC projects and are possible only if they are closely related to this exchange of experience. In particular, they should contribute to enrich this exchange of experience among the partners.

• As indicated in section 2.2.3 of the programme manual, all activities supported in IVC have to respect the three core conditions: relevance, interregionality and additionality. Experience shows that applicants have often difficulties to demonstrate how the pilot actions will respect these conditions.

• Pilot actions have to be defined as precisely as possible in the application form. They cannot be decided in the course of the sub-project’s implementation in particular since this would prevent the applicants from proposing a clear budget for these activities at the application stage.