SP 4 - ActEE
Actions and communication tools about Energy Efficiency

Results achieved in ActEE

The catalogue on the European Communication Tool Package is available

in English "ECTP-Catalogue".

The catalogue presents different communication tools that are used in order to promote Energy Efficiency and to reach a lot of people.


What was ActEE about 

ActEE aimed at detecting and spreading good practices in the field of communication tools which allowed developing long lasting, effective and sustainable tools. Benchmarking of existing tools combined with partners’ experiences, these two inputs allowed ActEE to develop a communication tool package with lower costs and great impact.

Project's actions involved a study on regional good practices on energy efficiency communication, exchange of these practices among the partners and experimentation of the tools detected in the countries involved. The project was expected to reach citizens in the countries involved, changing their behaviours and consumptions attitude in an appreciable way. ActEE involved citizens, opinion leaders, decision makers, which were reached through fairs, events and new communication tools such as marketing actions, videos and media.

Our aim was to combine funny, positive attitude and innovative communication tools with scientific approach and content.

ActEE was submitted under sub-project priority 4:
Promotion & exchange of citizens' good practice examples on EE

Overall budget:    EUR 129.096,00

Sub-project coordinator:
Mr Laurent Burget

Mountain Riders
11 rue Jules Ferry
73000 Chambéry, France
Phone:  00 33-(0)420 30 28 98
Email: Laurent@mountain-riders.org