LEEAN – Transferring energy efficiency know-how: a guideline for builders

The sub-project LEEAN aims at transferring know-how on how to behave in an energy efficient manner in housing and buildings. The sub-project also supports house builders in using renewable energies for construction and refurbishment. The overall task of LEEAN is to provide guidelines for civil agents, staff of housing and building industries and local energy agencies to be used for advising private house owners, tenants, companies, immigrants and low incoming families.

The Saxon Energy Agency – SAENA GmbH is developing a guideline for builders with regard to energy efficient building and refurbishment. Up to now the structure of the guideline has been elaborated and first chapters are drafted. The guideline will support builders from the very first planning steps up to the finalisation of work. It will also provide instructions for refurbishment.

It is produced in close cooperation with engineers who are in constant contact with SAENA GmbH. The guideline will specifically consider local factors, features and requirements. To test and adapt the guideline the nearby municipality, the Vogtlandkreis, has been selected as a pilot region.

The guideline consists of:

  • Regulatory requirements
  • Instructions on acquiring land property or buildings
  • Licences
  • Planning criteria
  • Construction and building material
  • Quality management
  • Energy efficient equipment
  • Government aid and funding possibilities

The main focus will be energy efficient behaviour and the use of renewable energies in housing thus encouraging the implementation of sustainable technologies in times of global warming. In 2012 the guideline will be available as online as well as printed version for Saxon building authorities.

The LEEAN partnership will set up a best practise catalogue which will compile implemented projects and experiences in energy efficient building. The catalogue will be permanently updated and extended by all project partners. It will be available in the end of 2011 on the EnercitEE website. 

Further information: www.enercitee.eu/LEEAN