EnercitEE poster exhibition informs Mid- and Eastern European energy experts
The Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Goerlitz welcomed more than 300 guests on September, 15-17th when opening the 2010/2011 Science Year and celebrating its 20th anniversary of the Zittau Seminar on Energy Economy in Middle and Eastern Europe.
The opening ceremony was attended by energy experts from Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Cazachstan as well as students and professors from the university’s neighbouring countries Germany, Czech Republic and Poland. This seminar takes place on an annual basis and provides experts’ presentation on the energy economy of Middle and Eastern European countries as well as knowledge exchange on EE policy and technology.
EnercitEE’s poster exhibition informed participants on the project’s aims, the energy efficiency policy of its partner regions and the calls for sub-projects.