SP 2 - E-FoxES
Energy saving FoxES in European Schools

Results achieved in E-FoxES

The training material is only available

in Deutsch "Weiterbildung für Lehrer "Energie/ Energie-
effizienz/ Erneuerbare Energien", Curriculum und Materialien

The document deals with the following topics, e.g. "What is energy? (Was ist Energie?)", "Energy experiments (Energie-
experimente)", "Why shall we save energy? (Warum Energie sparen)", "Production of energy and its use (Perspektive der Energie-
gewinnung und-nutzung)" and "Future energy sources (Energiequellen der Zukunft)".

The concept for competitions is available

in English "Common conception for the implementation of a regional energy saving competition for schools"

in Deutsch "Regionale Konzeption für die Durch-
führung von Energiespar-
wettbewerben in Schulen

The document deals with the aims of energy saving contests (Ziele und Grundlagen), important actors (wichtige Akteure), target groups (Zielgruppen), participation conditions (Teilnahmebed.), price categories (Preiskategorien) and awards (Prämien).

The summary on the regional starting conditions is only available

in English "EnercitEE Sub-Project E-FoxES - Reports on regional starting conditions - Summary"

The report contains the following chapters:
- policies on Energy efficiency
  (European, national and regional
- Awareness raising actions for
  pupils (on European, national and
  regional level)
- energy related education
- national education systems
- preconditions for the implemen-
  tation of E-FoxES


What was E-FoxES about

E-Foxes aims at contributing to behavioural change of citizens in the involved EnercitEE regions concerning energy consumption. First of all pupils will be addressed to think about energy saving and energy efficiency. For that purpose energy saving contests between schools will be established by the sub-project partners. These contests follow a common developed conception. The project partners will test the common conception in pilot projects, exchanged their experiences and offer the developed and tested concept to further interested municipalities and regions.

E-Foxes will investigate the most important success factors for energy saving contests among pupils in European towns and regions. A summary will present the results and experiences and will give recommendations for future contests. Policy makers, jury members and further stakeholders will be invited to the public award ceremonies. In this way a high number of citizens beside the involved pupils will be stimulated to think about a new lifestyle based on a reduced personal carbon footprint.

E-FoxES was submitted under sub-project priority 2:
Awareness raising policies (EE competitions and games)

Overall budget: EUR 216.310,00

Sub-project coordinator:
Prof Jürgen Besold

Bautzen Innovation Center
Preuschwitzer Straße 20
02625 Bautzen, Germany
Phone: 00 49-3591-3802020
Email: tgz@tgz-bautzen.de