April 2011

EnercitEE meeting in Växjö/ Sweden

From 5th to 6th April 2011 EnercitEE‘s Working and Steering Group members met in Växjö, Smaland. The aim of the 2-day meeting was to evaluate the 6 eligible sub-project applications that were submitted to the Mini-Programme Coordination Office in the 2nd Call for Proposals.    
On the first day of the meeting the Working Group members discussed the proposals and drafted their recommendations. A ranking list was set up and conditions for the approval formulated. The Steering Group finally decided on approval or non-approval of the sub-project proposals in the morning of 6 April 2011. In the afternoon the EnercitEE partners were provided an insight into a biomass co-generation plant being one good practice example in the region.

To foster the exchange of experience among EnercitEE partners the first Component Seminar took place from 7th to 8th April 2011. The first day of the seminar focussed on the exchange of information regarding the situation and specifications of heat/power generation & distribution in each EnercitEE partner region. In the morning of the seminar’s second day each of the six sub-projects from the 1st Call was shortly presented by the project leaders. Thereafter all participants of the meeting discussed together which concrete outputs and results produced by each sub-project can be transferred to other regions. Of course the way of disseminating these outputs was a crucial point in the discussion. Furthermore, it was highlighted that all sub-projects always have to consider the policy level and keep questions such as which policies could be improved in the concrete field we are working in.
All in all it was a successful and informative meeting and the partners got a good understanding of the different energy situations in the regions, the variety of strategies and approaches to tackle the broad issue of cutting energy consumption and certainly had the opportunity to learn from each other. 

Picture: Working Group Meeting 4 Växjö

Picture: Compononent Seminar 1 Växjö

Picture: Compononent Seminar 1 Växjö