July 2011

EnercitEE meeting in Annecy / France

All EnercitEE Working Group members met in Annecy, France, from 28 to 29 June 2011.

Picture: Working Group meeting Annecy June 2011

The aim of the 2-day meeting was mainly to discuss the content and layout of the Good Practice Guide (GPG). In the morning of the first day each EnercitEE Regional Manager presented the good practice examples of its region to be included in the 5 chapters of the GPG. Each chapter deals with Energy Efficiency in the fields of buildings, heat and power generation/supply, transport/mobility, innovation and technology and communication and motivation. The Good Practice Guide in English will be published by the end of summer this year. The English as well as the partners’ translated versions will be provided for download on the EnercitEE website.

In the afternoon of the first day of the meeting a study visit was organised. The EnercitEE partners could get an insight into the “House of the Planet (Maison pour la planète)”. The French Sub-Project Participant Prioriterre, the energy advice center of Haute-Savoie, developed the idea to have a demonstration building that shows how one can change consumption behaviour through simple and practical principles in everyday life. By taking into account the environmental impact of materials that special very low energy building was built. 

Picture: Study Visit June 2011 Annecy

An important item on the second’s day agenda of the 5th Working Group meeting were the preparation and content defining for the upcoming meetings planned for fostering the exchange of experience:

• Expert meeting (policy advice seminar)
  scheduled for October 2011 in Wroclaw
• Exchange of decision makers (mayors)
  scheduled for June 2012 in Kalmar